Appendix - Advanced Combat Moves
Besides the basic actions described in the gameplay introduction of this manual, combat in Dunia also allows a few more advanced optional maneuvers
Cover: One of the best defenses available. Taking shelter behind a tree, a segment of wall, the side of a wagon, battlements, around a corner or the like. An attack against a target behind cover suffers a -4 penalty to its accuracy roll.
A ranged attack against a target that makes themselves smaller by kneeling, sitting, crawling prone or squatting suffers a -4 penalty to its accuracy roll.
Upper Hand: When attacking a creature that is prone, pinned, kneeling or sitting, melee attacks against them receive a +4 accuracy bonus.
A ranged attack from ground higher than 3 feet counts as high ground, allowing the attacker advantage. The reverse, low ground, imposes disadvantage.
Special Move - Charge: If a character moves a minimum of 10 feet in any direction, they can declare a charge. Both the attacker and the target roll STR against one another, with whomever fails falling prone.
Special Move - Sunder: A character can attempt to strike an enemy's non-magical weapon or shield with full force. All the weapons listed in the standard vendor list will break if sundered for 10 or more physical damage.
Mounted Combat: While technically any willing Animal or Cryptid can serve as a mount for an appropriately-sized creature, untrained animals require a Handle Animal roll of DC 15 + the creature's level to use as a mount. Riding and jumping off takes 1 full round.
The mount has its own health pool and movement that is guided by its rider. It can act but cannot attack while ridden, while its rider can attack and act from its back but cannot move. If the rider commands the mount to charge, both the rider and the mount roll the ensuing damage value together and deal the sum.
If the mount is saddled, no amount of damage will drop the rider off the mount. If the mount is not saddled, damage taken exceeding the rider's AGI stat will drop them off it.
Any mount save for a trained warhorse will flinch at the sight of sharp objects or fire.