Appendix - Status Index

Basic Bonuses
Proficient or Trained with a weapon type Advantage on all accuracy rolls
Resistant to physical damage Halves incoming physical damage
Resistant to a school or element Rolls to resist against it with advantage
Speed gain from only wielding light weapons +4 to initiative

Class-Specific Bonuses
Specialized Warrior +2 accuracy (great-weapon)
no offhand penalty (dual-wielding)
bonus attack with -2 accuracy (dueling)
Entranced Warrior Immunity from mind-addling
All damage dealt and taken crits
Instinct Warrior Blocks and ripostes every incoming attack
Raging Barbarian +1 damage per 10 HP lost. Double speed
+4 AGI/STR if kinned
Roaring Draconic 10 points of armor for 5 rounds
Singing Bard +2/+4 to skill checks or accuracy rolls
Marksman taking aim over 1 round +4 Accuracy
Beastlord elemental resistances +4/+8 to Fire, Frost and Nature resist
Warsage's Channel Bloodlust +10 to next attack OR extra attack
Warsage smelling blood +2/+5/+10 accuracy, double speed

Bonuses from magical spells
Resisting magic while in gaseous form Advantage on resist
Being hasted Extra action, +2 and advantage on AGI
Blessed with vision, coruscant or foretell Advantage on everything
Blessed with hope Advantage on WIS rolls
Fed a divine feast Advantage on STR, CON and WIS

Basic Penalties
Speed loss from wielding a 2H weapon -4 to initiative
Fatigued from lack of sleep Stacking -4 penalty to everything
Malnourished while needing a varied diet Stacking -1 CON penalty
Flat-footed or Surprised -4 AGI while taking damage
Walking on difficult terrain Move at half speed
Hungry for a day Disadvantage on every roll
4th day and on without food Lose 1 level per day
Missing a limb Halved DEX (arm) or AGI (leg)

Class-Specific Penalties
Mage trying to attack physically
Rogue using a two-handed weapon
Attacking with the off-hand while untrained
-4 Accuracy penalty
Necromancer aura -1/6 rds. STR and CON, up to -3

Penalties from magical spells
Attacking a blurred or protected target Disadvantage on accuracy
Being a victim of the spell curse Disadvantage on everything
+1d8 taken damage. Random stupors.
Being slowed Lose action, -2 and disadvantage on AGI
Being a victim of the spell writhe Crawl, disadvantage on all except CON
Shapeshifter hit by moonfire Disadvantage on everything next round
Hit by heat metal while heavily armored Disadvantage on everything while burning
Being a victim of infection Various penalties. See spell entry.

Skill Modifiers
Hide movement modifiers -5 (walking) -20 (running)
Hide size category modifiers +15 tiny, +8 short, +4 slender
-15 giant, -8 ogre-sized, -4 large
Move Silently skill modifiers -2 (snow) -5 (foliage)
Sleight of Hand modifiers +4 small object, -20 victim is focused

Combat Formulas
Initiative roll d20 +/- AGI mod +/- weapon speed modifier
Physical attack d20 +/- DEX mod VS victim AGI +/- cover
Physical damage (normal) Weapon dice + STR mod + bonuses - armor
Physical damage (finesse or ranged) Weapon dice + DEX mod + bonuses - armor
Resist a magical spell d20 +/- resist mod VS 10 + caster mod +/- tier
Keep casting after being attacked d20 + Concentration VS damage taken

Character Formulas
Skill points during character creation (2 + INT mod) * 4 (+4 if human)
Skill points gained by leveling up 2 + INT mod
Base health point maximum (Racial hit die +/- CON mod) * Level
Base mana pool size (INT/WIS)/2 + (2*Level)
Spell cost in mana Tier 1-5 spells cost 1x their tier in mana.
Tier 6-7 spells cost 2x their tier in mana.
Tier 8-9 spells cost 3x their tier in mana.
Maximum jump distance Acrobacy in feet (double with running start)
Maximum falling height AGI + Acrobacy*2 in feet
Falling damage 10 HP for each point above the last result

Class Ability Formulas
Disarm roll DC 10 + enemy level
Warrior's Second Wind healing Ld4 HP
Knight's Taunt resist chance d20 + Concentration VS Knight's CHA
Death Reaper's Harmtouch damage 1d6 Shadow per 2 levels
Witch's grimdark blast damage Ld6 Shadow per turn (increased while grimdark)
Rogue's backstab damage 1d6 per 2 levels
Bard's meditative chant healing Level HP after 6 turns
Lacerator's compel success chance d20 VS 10 + half the caster's level +/- CHA mod