Attribute scores, commonly called stats, have different uses:- Strength sets your weight carry limit (STR*6) and helps you do damage in melee
- Constitution increases your health pool and lets you survive physical strain
- Dexterity makes you hit more accurately and perform a wide range of skills
- Agility makes you harder to hit, and move at a rate of 2 ft/round per point of AGI
- Intellect lets you memorize more, and helps mages cast higher level spells
- Wisdom lets you resist magic, and helps priests cast higher level spells
- Charisma affects your standing with strangers
An attribute's modifier is basically +1 for every 2 points above 10, or -1 for every 2 points below 10.
Your modifier is added to certain rolls explicitly when needed. For example if you're asked to "roll for Intelligence", you roll a d20 and add or subtract your INT modifier.
"Advantage" on a roll means you roll twice and pick the best outcome, while a "disadvantage" forces you to pick the worst. If you have more than one advantage, you roll one more dice, and so on. Every disadvantage cancels out an advantage!
"Proficiency" with a weapon type means you have advantage on accuracy. You can attain mastery using a talent, if you wish, to confer even more bonuses.
Here is a template for a player's stat block when played over Internet chat:
Player name Level Race Class (of Faith if religious)
HP: 16/16 MP: 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 Dam: 2d4+0 @ +0
Str10 Con10 Dex10 Agi10 Int10 Wis10 Cha10
HP: 16/16 MP: 1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1 Dam: 2d4+0 @ +0
Str10 Con10 Dex10 Agi10 Int10 Wis10 Cha10