Character Creation
To Begin: Everyone starts by choosing a race and naming their character. Optionally they can provide the character with a backstory.
Option A - Quick: If you don't have a concrete idea for what character you want to make, you can roll a 3d8 eight times (one for each of the attributes, and an extra to discard) and decide which attribute gets what. Afterwards, you add racial bonuses.
Option B - Build: Otherwise, you can begin with 8 points in every stat, then distribute a total of extra 8 points across all stats, as well as reduce stats if needed to gain more points to distribute elsewhere. Afterwards, you add racial bonuses.
Stats cannot exceed 18 or go below 3 at character creation without racial modifiers.
After creating a character, you choose a class. Some classes have requirements, others don't-- if the class' info block doesn't explicitly list a requirement you lack, you can choose it.