Daily Needs
Every mortal creature has daily needs. Food, water, shelter, entertainment and a warm fire are greatly important to everyone. Going too long without comforts as well as the stress of adventuring and fighting for days may cause fatigue, which becomes problematic as it piles up. Some races can also suffer malnutrition.
Food: Every race has a "diet" that expresses their calorie needs.
- Gnomes need half a liter of water and 2 pieces of fruit or vegetable daily.
- Goblins, Half-foot, Lunarians and all Elves require 1 liter of water and have no particular nutritional needs other than 1 pound of edible food.
- Humans, Half-elves, Dwarves and all beastkin require 2 liters of water and a balanced diet of meat, fruit and vegetables in a total of 2 pounds or 1 packed ration per day. Lacking any of these for a month results in a stacking unhealable -1 CON penalty.
- Centaur and Minotaur share the same requirement and need for variety as humans, though due to their enormous size, they consume a total of 4 liters of water and 6 pounds of food daily or 3 packed rations.
- Dragonkin, Trolls, Ogres and Orcs are carnivorous creatures that require 10 pounds of pure meat per day.
- Animals need to eat 1% of their body weight per day to survive. Extraplanar creatures and the dead have no need for sustenance.
Hunger: Failing to provide a day's worth of food or water to a creature causes a creature to be hungry and perform every single roll at a disadvantage. After three days of hunger, every additional day that passes reduces a level, all of which return once the creature is sated.
Sleep: Almost all creatures require sleep and shelter. True Elves, Lunarians, extraplanar creatures and the undead don't sleep, but other races do. To simplify everything, a player can consider sleeping 7 hours per 24 hour period to be enough. If a day passes without sleep, they suffer fatigue the next day.
Fatigue: If a creature reaches 18 total hours of wakefulness, they suffer insomnia; a stacking -4 debuff to all stats. Reaching 0 CON this way kills them from overexertion, and the only way to remove this penalty is with 8 full hours of sleep uninterrupted.
Quality: Sleeping out in the wilderness wears out a tent and doesn't heal health. Renting at an inn, tavern or guest house, by comparison, allows the party to rest their heads, healing every player for their level in health points.