Items > Trade Cargo

Name Subtype Description Price
1 pound of wheat Ingredient Can be made into wheat using a mill or millstone. 1 cp
1 pound of flour Ingredient Mixed with water to make bread or porridge. 2 cp
1 pound of metal Material Cheap metals used to work gear or do repairs. 1 sp
1 pound of cheap spice Ingredient +5 Craft (Cook) when used, or used for barters. 1 gp
1 pound of good spice Ingredient +10 Craft (Cook) when used, or used for barters. 2 gp
1 cheap livestock Trade A goat, sheep, pig, or two chickens. 3 gp
1 sq yd of cloth Material Linen used to make textiles. 4 gp
1 pound of salt Ingredient Vital for some dishes. 5 gp
1 pound of metal+ Material Silver, steel or some other good alloy. 5 gp
1 sq yd of silk Material Used to make expensive textiles. 10 gp
1 large livestock Trade Cow, ox or a ram. 10 gp
1 pound of gold Material Used to make jewels or for trade. 50 gp
1 pound of platinum Material Used to make jewels or for trade. 500 gp