Drink, Mug
Restores any stat lost at a rate of 1 per drink.
1 lb.
4 cp
Drink, Gallon
50 can fill a standard barrel for later travel.
8 lb.
2 sp
Lodging, Fancy
Restores all lost stats at twice the normal rate.
2 gp
Lodging, Good
Provides adequate rest.
5 sp
Lodging, Poverty
Only counts as a nap- won't restore lost stats.
2 sp
Meal, Banquet
Price is per person. A magnificent feast that grants all who partake advantage on STR and CON rolls the ensuing day.
10 gp
Meal, Nutritious
A full-course meal that satisfies nutritional requirements.
5 sp
Meal, Poverty
Plain boiled vegetables and bread for one person.
1 sp
Meat (per lb.)
A mix of various cuts sold by weight.
0.5 lb.
3 sp
Mount, Horse
A powerful animal. See Bestiary entry. Will not accept a rider larger than an Orc. Travels 4 mph, or 40 mi/day
100 gp
Mount, Pack Mule
See Donkey bestiary entry. Unlike horses, accepts backpacks. Travels 3 mph, or 24 mi/day.
8 gp
Mount, Warhorse
See Horse. A special horse that won't flinch or feel fear.
200 gp
Other, Feed
One day of feed for a mount.
10 lb.
5 cp
Other, Stabling
One day of stabling for a mount in town.
5 sp
Other, Temple
Will cast any Miracle for 10 x tier gp.
Travel, Coach
Allows travel between local cities. Price is per mile per person.
3 cp
Travel, Ship
Allows travel as cargo stowaways. Price is per mile per person.
1 sp
Vehicle, Carriage
Dragged by 2 beasts of burden. Covered from rain and light.
600 lb.
100 gp
Vehicle, Cart
Dragged by 1 beast of burden at 2 mph, or 16 mi/day.
200 lb.
15 gp
Vehicle, Oar
Allows up to 4 creatures to row.
10 lb.
2 gp
Vehicle, Ship
Carries 150 tons of cargo. Travels 2 mph, or 48 mi/day.
10,000 gp
Vehicle, Warship
Holds 10 cannons on each side. Travels 2 mph, or 60 mi/day.
25,000 gp