Items > Tools & Misc

Name Description Weight Price
Backpack Allows carrying 1/5th of one's body weight hands-free. 2 lb. 2 gp
Bedroll Sleeping without a bed of some sort only counts as a nap. 5 lb. 1 sp
Bell Wakes up anyone in a 100 foot range. - 1 gp
Blanket Cloak slot. Protection against environmental cold, +8 Frost resist. 3 lb. 5 sp
Bottle, glass Can be filled with 2 liters of liquid. - 2 gp
Caltrops When stepped on, cause AGI DC 15 or halve AGI until next heal. 2 lb. 1 gp
Canvas Used to fix torn sails at skill Craft (Carpentry) 10 over 1 hour. 1 lb. 1 sp
Chain, 10 ft Can be burst at STR DC 26, or from 10 damage at once. 2 lb. 30 gp
Clothes Rags (1 sp), Commoner (1 gp), Clergy (10 gp), Fancy (50 gp) 3 lb. -
Container, Big A barrel to store 200 liters of one liquid, or a large lockable chest. 30 lb. 2 gp
Container, Small A jug for drinks, a bucket for water or things, or lockable box. 2 lb. 1 sp
Crowbar Adds +4 to STR checks to force doors open. 5 lb. 2 gp
Firewood One full night of light and warmth. 20 lb. 1 cp
Fishing Net Used to fish at different DCs. 5 x 5 ft. 5 lb. 4 gp
Flint and Steel Used over one action to light a flammable thing. - 1 gp
Grappling Hook When tied to a rope, drops the DC of any climb to 15. 4 lb. 1 gp
Holy Symbol Comes in the logo of one of the popular deities of Dunia. 1 lb. 25 gp
Light, Cheap 30 ft light torch for 1 hr. Candles can be placed, but light up 10 ft. 1 lb. 1 cp
Light, Lamp 30 ft light for up to 1 hr per flask of oil. Flame is open. 1 lb. 1 sp
Light, Lantern 30 ft light for up to 6 hrs per flask of oil. Flame is covered. 3 lb. 10 gp
Lock DC 5 (20 gp), DC 10 (40 gp), DC 20 (80 gp), DC 30 (150 gp) 1 lb. -
Mug/Tankard Allows one to drink comfortably. 1 lb. 2 cp
Musical Instrument Self-explanatory. Lute, harm, violin, drum, flute or the like. 3 lb. 5 gp
Oil, 1 pint Fills lanterns, and is used for more volatile ends. 1 lb. 1 sp
Pen & Paper A bottle of ink, an inkwell, or a sheet of parchment for this price. - 2 sp
Pickaxe Built to dig through rock at a rate of STR ft/hr (double if Dwarf) 10 lb. 3 gp
Pot Necessary to cook things other than grilled meat. 10 lb. 5 sp
Ration Balanced nutritious food for 1 medium humanoid's daily needs. 1 lb. 5 sp
Rope, 50 ft Self-explanatory. 5 lb. 1 gp
Saddle Protects a rider from being knocked off their mount. 15 lb. 10 gp
Sewing Needle Allows repairing cloth-related items. - 5 sp
Shovel Self-explanatory. Can be swung as a Halberd-1. 8 lb. 2 gp
Spellbook, Empty A fresh Mage's spellbook with as many empty pages as needed. 3 lb. 15 gp
Tent Protects 1 person from the elements and animals while sleeping. 20 lb. 10 gp
Thieves' Tools +4 to Open Lock and Disable Device when carried. 1 lb. 30 gp
Waterskin Allows carrying up to 4 liters of liquid. 0-4 lb. 1 gp