Items > Weapons

Weapons tagged with a * are considered light, meaning anyone can hold them in the off-hand at -4 penalty without training. Non-light weapons are too heavy to swing enough to do damage with a non-dominant hand. Large races (Dragonkin, Trolls, Ogres and Minotaur) can hold any weapon in the off-hand at -4 penalty regardless of lightness.

Speed: 2H weapons penalize the wielder's initiative roll by -4. Wielding only light weapons grants a +4 initiative bonus.

Name Subtype Description Weight Price
Cleaver* 1H Axe 1d4-1 slashing damage. Throwable. x2 crit. 2 lb. 1 gp
Handaxe* 1H Axe 1d6 slashing damage. Throwable. x3 crit. 3 lb. 6 gp
Sickle* 1H Axe 1d6 slashing damage. 2 lb. 6 gp
Warpick 1H Axe 1d4 piercing damage. x3 crit, x4 if Dwarf. 3 lb. 4 gp
Club 1H Blunt 1d4 blunt damage, nat 4 on sneak attack stuns at CON DC equal to the attacker's STR value. 3 lb. Found
Flail, Light 1H Blunt 1d8 blunt damage. 5 lb. 8 gp
Mace, Heavy 1H Blunt 1d8 blunt damage. 8 lb. 12 gp
Mace, Light* 1H Blunt 1d6 blunt damage. 4 lb. 5 gp
Morningstar 1H Blunt 1d8 blunt damage. 6 lb. 8 gp
Warhammer 1H Blunt 1d8 blunt damage. x3 crit. 5 lb 12 gp
Claw 1H Slash 1d6 slashing damage. Lower crit range by 1. 2 lb. 20 gp
Longsword 1H Slash 1d8 slashing damage. Lower crit range by 1. 4 lb. 15 gp
Scimitar 1H Slash 1d6 slashing damage. Lowers crit range by 2. 4 lb. 15 gp
Shortsword* 1H Slash 1d6 slashing damage. Lowers crit range by 1. 2 lb. 10 gp
Whip 1H Slash 1d4 blunt damage. 2 lb. 1 gp
Dagger* 1H Pierce 1d4 piercing damage. Throwable. Lowers crit range by 1. 1 lb. 2 gp
Rapier 1H Pierce 1d6 piercing damage. Lowers crit range by 2. 2 lb. 15 gp
Shortspear 1H Pierce 1d6 piercing damage. Throwable. Doubles attack range. 3 lb. 1 gp
Spiked Gauntlet* 1H Pierce 1d4 piercing damage. x3 crit. 1 lb. 2 gp
Battleaxe 2H Axe 1d8 slashing damage. x3 crit. Can be one-handed for 1d6. 6 lb. 10 gp
Glaive 2H Axe 1d10 slashing damage. Double reach. x3 crit. 10 lb. 20 gp
Greataxe 2H Axe 1d12 slashing damage. x3 crit. 12 lb. 20 gp
Halberd 2H Axe 1d10 piercing OR slashing damage. Double reach. x3 crit. 12 lb. 10 gp
Scythe 2H Axe 2d4 slashing damage. x4 crit. 10 lb. 18 gp
Flail, Heavy 2H Blunt 1d10 blunt damage. Lowers crit range by 1. 10 lb. 15 gp
Maul 2H Blunt 1d10 blunt damage. 8 lb. 5 gp
Quarterstaff 2H Blunt 1d6 blunt damage. 4 lb. 1 gp
Greatsword 2H Sword 2d6 slashing damage. Lowers crit range by 1. 8 lb. 50 gp
Lance 2H Pierce 1d8 piercing damage. Double melee range. x3 crit. Double damage when used from a running mount. 10 lb. 10 gp
Longspear 2H Pierce 1d8 piercing damage. Doubles melee range. x3 crit. 9 lb. 5 gp
Trident 2H Pierce 1d8 piercing damage. Doubles melee range. 4 lb. 15 gp
Cannon Ranged Load ammo for 1 round then launch next round. 25 lb. 75 gp
Ball Ammo 4d6 blunt damage. 1 lb. 50 gp
Shell Ammo Casts the spell fireball wherever it lands. 1 lb. 100 gp
Crossbow Ranged Aim for 1 round, then shoot up to 100 ft. 6 lb. 50 gp
Bolt Ammo Pack of 10, each doing 1d8 piercing damage. 1 lb. 1 gp
Gun, Flintlock Pistol Ranged Aim for 1 round, then shoot up to 40 ft. Can shoot on the same round with -4 and disadvantage. 5 lb. 250 gp
Ball Ammo Pack of 10, each doing 3d6 blunt damage. 3 lb. 5 gp
Gun, Hunting Rifle Ranged Aim for 1 round, then shoot up to 300 ft. 10 lb. 500 gp
Shot Ammo Pack of 12, each doing 3d6 blunt damage. 3 lb. 6 gp
Longbow Ranged Aim for 1 round, then shoot up to 100 ft. 3 lb. 75 gp
Shortbow Ranged Aim for 1 round, then shoot up to 60 ft. 2 lb. 30 gp
Arrow Ammo Pack of 20, each doing 1d8 piercing damage. 3 lb. 1 gp
Sling Ranged Can toss immediately up to 50 ft. - 1 sp
Bullet Ammo Pack of 10, each doing 1d4 blunt damage. 5 lb 1 sp