Items > Magical Items

Magical Item, also known as Artifacts or Wondrous Items, aren't found at normal vendors. They're typically found in treasure troves deep inside treacherous dungeons, or sold by insane merchants in obscure corners of the world.

Unique: Every artifact can only ever drop once. If a named item drops, it is replaced in the d20 table depending on its index by a Cursed Item (1-5), Scroll (6-10), Wand (11-15) or Blessed Item (16-20).

Roll Name Description Weight Value
1 !!CURSED!! DM chooses any piece of gear. It drops at -1d4 and is only removable by remove curse. - -
2 Magic Mirror Bag of holding that carries up to 10,000 lbs. 20 lbs. 5,000gp
3 Pegasus Boots Allows for permanent flight and slowfall when worn. 0 lbs. 10,000gp
4 Sonic Sneakers Speed is 4 ft/AGI instead of 2 when worn. 10 lbs. 2,500gp
5 Crystal Ball of Fate As an action, a creature with more than 15 INT can cast Augury for free. 6 lbs. 5,000gp
6 SCROLL Roll a scroll from the d20 spell drop table that can be read once or memorized by a mage. - -
7 Amudnir 1d8+3 warhammer. Damage is dealt as Nature/Air, bypassing armor. 5 lbs. 17,500gp
8 Caledfwlch 1d8+3 longsword, only usable by Good races. Double damage against Fiends. 4 lbs. 15,000gp
9 Drakesbane 1d8+3 longspear. Advantage on damage rolls against Dragons. 9 lbs. 15,000gp
10 Sylphja's Bow 1d8+3 longbow. +4 to accuarcy rolls. 3 lbs. 10,000gp
11 WAND Roll from the d20 spell drop table and gain a wand that casts it 8 times. - -
12 Horn of Terror Up to three times per day, casts the spell fear in a 40 foot range, or cast the spell shatter once daily. 10 lbs. 15,000gp
13 Girdle of Might +4 STR when worn. 2 lb. 15,000gp
14 Necklace of Affability +4 CHA when worn. - 15,000gp
15 Skeleton Key +20 to Open Lock when wielded; 1d20 chance to break. - 15,000gp
16 !!BLESSED!!
DM chooses any piece of gear. It drops at +1+[1 for every 5 levels of the party.] - -
17 Crimson Fangs 1d6+3 dagger. Heals for half the damage it deals. 1 lb. 17,500gp
18 Fey Cloak Wearer becomes invisible after standing still for 2 rounds. Attacks against them have disadvantage. 1 lb. 17,500gp
19 Ring of Invisibiility Invisibility when worn. Stops working for 2 rounds if the wearer performs an action. - 15,000gp
20 Ring of Immunity Protects the wearer from a total of 20 spell levels until it breaks. - 20,000gp

Scrolls & Wands: When a wand or scroll is looted, the player rolls d20..

Roll Level 1-5 Level 6-10 Level 11-15 Level 16-20+
1 Grease Open Open Open
2 Mist Dispel Magic Dispel Magic Dispel Magic
3 Charm Humanoid Lesser Hold Conjure Elemental Flying Mageblade
4 Command Paranoia Telepathy Maze
5 Sleep Horrorterror Greater Hold Pyrocumulus
6 Flame Spray Polymorph Mind Control Flummox
7 Magic Missile Dessicate Animate Dead Earthquake
8 Thunderclap Gaseous Form Telekinesis Soultrap
9 Color Spray Fly Anti-magic Shell Midnight Calliope
10 Minor Illusion Gas Cloud Truesight Alchemize
11 Fear Rain Sleet Sunblast Shapeshift
12 Fire Sphere Magical Dome Wave of Decay Mass Polymorph
13 Spinning Daggers Fireball Pale Rapture Septic Shock
14 Web Hypnosis Lesser Imprisonment Greater Imprisonment
15 See Invisible Slow Soul Lash Flummox
16 Acid Shot Haste Writhe Bedlam
17 Blur Image Remove Curse Remove Curse Remove Curse
18 Invisibility Invisibility Invisibility Invisibility
19 Levitate Levitate Levitate Levitate
20 Identify Identify Identify Identify