Locations > Northern Continent

Also colloquially known as the "man-lands" by other races and quirky humans. This area of the world faces the aptly named "sea of man" and has seen no major events be caused by any race other than humans. Scattered barbarian tribes offered the power of the Light by the elves hundreds of thousands of years ago diverged into radically different cultures with very politically strained relationships, and their empires rose and fell as other races watched.
Nation - Goldstar: Common name for Asillilissu. A floating island with the last remaining major city of the Sun Elves. It's impossible to find by navigation and is protected from any kind of detection by divination. Any attempts at reaching it without the consent of the Elven council fails mysteriously. Elves are sworn to secrecy on everything surrounding their capital, It has been described as everything from heaven on earth, to a soulless collection of crystalline structures that inhabitants cross by teleportation. Myths spin tales of its enormous towers of pure gold that levitate in the sky like planets orbiting unnatural alien halls, phoenixes that circle its skies, and divine archmagi weaving shielding spells.
Inspiration: Silvermoon (Warcraft)
Nation - Korak: North of the man-lands, a foggy area of hills, dark forests that dip into eternal light, with its coasts full of sea monsters and constant raging storms. Duskrest is the capital of Korak, a nation of gothic shadow knights who uphold law and fight Hylonians. Its streets are dreary and seem unwelcoming, and its people are reclusive and wary of outsiders. Korakians manufacture anti-magic armor to counter Hylonian miracles. Unlike Hylonians, there is no such thing as "houses" in Korak. They operate on a council of a hundred elders from different tribes that vote democratically, and seek Witches and Druids as counsel.
Inspiration: Scotland, medieval Moscow, Anor Londo, Freeport (EQ 2)
Nation - Hylonia: The capital city of the Hylonian empire, which gives it its name, though the capital province is named after the ruling dynasty of Highsun. Its architecture, with its enormous churches whose ceilings scrape the sky, almost seems like it's meant to belittle the viewer. Outside of the sacred districts of the city, its lower quarters and tradeways are much more diverse and accepting. The Hylonian empire is a bustling nation that initially started as a confederation of several nations (and thus seven different houses that bicker very frequently) from the central-eastern man-lands. A high taxation rate and a social strong segregation between "holy" light wielders and the common populace keeps a tense order.
Inspiration: Stormwind, Holy Roman Empire, Anglo-German castles
Nation - Wintergate: A beautiful nation built in the frigid north of River Ayaat. Situated on the border of the polar region of the northern continent, this nation is famed for its world-renown craftsmen and artisans, and for its enormous gates that block Death Tundra from the rest of the world. The tribes of barbarians who live on the feral side of Wintergate maintain a tenuous alliance with humans who protect them during their travels, but are extremely quick to hostility if upset or dishonored.
Inspiration: Neverwinter, Qeynos, Scandinavian nations
City-State - Cor Alia: One of the 3 smaller nations of the hinterlands. Cor Alia, built over the Corian Hills, sits at the foothills of the Whitebarrier mountains right between Korak and Hylonia. Originally a haven for fleeing families of both nations escaping persecution, centuries have passed and Corians have found themselves an independent force capable of political leverage thanks to their excellent light cavalry force and fertile lands. The only thing keeping Hylonians from invading this state is the fear their guerilla tactics and merciless defensive force would weaken them enough to allow Korakians the upper hand.
City-State - Phyrios: An ex-Hylonian province standing now on the ruins of the old Isyllian empire. Loosened into independence thanks to the Hylonian focus on the northern front and financial influence from Southport. Now an intermediary trade city.
City-State - Scipria Isle: Island city standing in the middle of the Karran sea, covered in forts and fortified streets. Used as a strategic base in times of war, but in times of mild stressful peace it stands between Hylonia and Southport and is left to be slightly disheveled. As of modern times, it is crawling with beastkin who are too much of a hassle to remove.
Region - Corian Province, Hinterlands: The foothills that trace the eastern half of the Whitebarrier mountains from Korak down to the Crystal Lake. Grassy and only mildly hilly. The territory is known for its vast stretches of fertile prairies well-suited for agriculture and farming. Unmarried laborers in the Corian hinterlands tend to live nomadic lives of moving from farm to farm looking for work and traveling to Cor Alia to spend their gains.
Region - Crystal Lake: One of the basins of River Ayaat, largely limits the region of the Corian Hinterlands from its south. Beautiful, crawling with marine life, with pine forests sloping around its waters. Known for its rare mythical lake beasts and fishing towns.
Region - Karran Sea (Martyred Sea): The sea that separates Hylonia from Southport. Bordered by the old Isyllian Empire's ruins, now the city of Phyrios to its west, and the Dagger Strait which opens into the Ocean of Man. Wonderful beaches. Many harbors.
Region - Lios Region, Forest: The major forest in Hylonia's territory. Despite the industrial expansionism of the Hylonians, their superstition makes them recoil from extremely feral places. Mythical animals such as owlbears, treants and unicorns are known to dwell in the area. There are few druids, as they have been purged centuries ago, meaning the wildlife in Lios Forest occasionally goes crazy and has to be subdued. Witches are attempting to move in.
Region - Lush Peninsula Region: The part of Hylonia's territory that stretches into the ocean. Many castles which are abandoned during times of tenuous peace. Old military towns still stand along the fortified roads to coastal ports that allow Hylonia access to the ocean.
Region - Nightwood Region: The major forest in Korak's territory. Inhabited by several allied circles of Druids who aid the Korakians by way of Divination and other kinds of augury. Extremely foggy, easy to get lost in if one doesn't know how to travel, to the point it's reputed that the deeper parts of the wood are covered by a canopy that simulates eternal night. A variety of terrifying creatures like shadow wolves prowl, making them even more dangerous than Lios, yet the presence of strong archdruids keeps nature balanced within.
Region - Plains of Strife: The stretch of land between Korak and Hylonia. Some of it is scarred by trenches, reinforced roads and ruins of fortifications, but some of it has regrown already. It's difficult to find a settlement in the Plains of Strife, as most people consider it to be a vast, empty transitional area from one kingdom to another. Enterprising adventurers have found a variety of underground dungeons of unknown and ancient origin, and dare the wrath of both kingdoms to plumb them for riches.
Region - River Ayaat: A beautiful river which flows down from the northernmost peaks of Whitebarrier mountain, flowing down to feed the cities of Wintergate and Korak before draining in the north sea, into the Karran sea and into the crystal lake. Wide enough to be very populated with trade and travel boats all the time; as the north of Korak gets colder, travelers find it more convenient to take a ship up and down the Ayaat.
Region - Sea of Man: The great body of water between the polar continent and the Dagger Strait to the Karran Sea. An incredible history of violent naval warfare, attempts at expansion and misery. Largely devoid of islands, unlike other seas. Goldstar is reputed to float somewhere in here, though it's nigh impossible to find it.
Region - Vurden Foothills Region: The forested and rocky stretch of land north of the ruins of Isyllia or Phyrios. Not as inhabited as the northern side of Crystal Lake, but there are many military outposts along fortified roads. Good way to travel south if avoiding the sea. The landscape is hilly and strewn with boulders, and the only guarded areas are the roads that lead to the mineshafts still in use by the Hylonian capital. Straying to the side exposes one to the risk of having to deal with wild animals and bandits.
Region - Whitebarrier Mountains: An enormous stretch of mountain peaks that cuts the northern hemisphere into East and West Karra. So sharply high and violently inhospitable that it's impossible to cross normally. The few gorges and valleys within are guarded ferociously by the dwarves of Iklistzefon, who act as protectors of the lands west of the barrier. Inhabited by wild animals, constantly snow-capped and utterly hostile to the unprepared. While half a dozen different toll towns exist, the gates of Iklistzefon proper face Crystal Lake.
While crossing the Whitebarrier is theoretically possible with enough preparation, the hostile freezing weather and impassable rugged terrain is one of the reasons civilization has largely remained insular to either sides of the mountain chain. In freezing weather, creatures do not regenerate health while resting, unless protected from the cold by magic or in the safety of a cave lit by a fire. At the start of every hour not wearing heat-insulating padding or magical protection against Frost, non-Undead creatures must roll CON or suffer frostbite, which causes a stacking -1 to DEX and AGI penalty as well as half their racial hit die in damage. The DC is 10 at the low foothills, 15 at the mountainside proper and 20 at the peaks. When heated, DEX and AGI return gradually over one hour Carriages and other land vehicles cannot cross the rugged terrain of the Whitebarrier unless by magical levitation or by crossing guarded Dwarven highways. At the highest peaks, the cold is so bitter that flight is impossible.