Playable Races

DUNIA includes a total of 20 playable races.

Race HP/lvl Stat Bonuses Skill Bonuses Abilities
Human 1d7 +1 to two chosen stats +4 any chosen skill Free choice of any deity
Dwarf 1d8 +1 STR +2 CON
-2 AGI
+4 all Craft skills Infravision, unlimited identify material
Elf, Sun 1d6 +2 WIS +2 CHA
-2 STR
+4 Knowledge (Magic)
+4 Use Magic Device
Immunity to charm and sleep, hide in plain sight, high magic
Elf, Fey 1d8 +2 AGI +2 STR
-2 INT
+4 Knowledge (Nature)
+4 Handle Animal
Immunity to charm and sleep, hide in plain sight, innate speak to animal
Elf, Drow 1d7 +2 INT -1 STR +4 Bluff Immunity to charm and sleep, hide in plain sight, darkvision
Elf, Half 1d7 +2 DEX +2 CHA
-2 STR
+4 Sleight of Hand Immunity to charm and sleep, hide in plain sight
Dragonkin 1d10 +1 STR +2 CON -1 CHA -1 INT.
-2 all if in cold
+4 Intimidate +1pt./lv./6 turn regen, level/2 fire blasts, fly@lv.5, immune to fire@lv.10
Lunarian 1d6 +2 INT +2 CHA
-2 STR -2 CON
+4 Knowledge (Magic)
+4 Judge
Monthly rebirth, floating up to 5ft., innate invisibility once per waning moon night, blink once per waxing moon night
Troll 1d9 +1 STR +2 CON
-2 CHA
+4 Knowledge (Religion) +1pt./lv/6 turn regen, regen limbs on rest
Ogre 1d12 +2 STR +2 CON
-2 INT -1 CHA -1 AGI
+4 Intimidate Immune to being stunned from the front
Orc 1d9 +2 STR -1 INT
-1 CHA
+4 Intimidate Classless Savage rage, advantage on melee damage rolls while raging
Gnome 1d4 +2 INT +1 AGI
+1 DEX -2 STR -2 CON
+4 Search +4 Listen Move silently, move without trace, can be inventory carried by other races
Goblin 1d5 +2 AGI -1 WIS
-1 CHA
+4 Appraise Infravision, hide in plain sight
Half-Foot 1d5 +2 AGI +1 CHA -1 WIS +4 Craft (Cooking) Advantage on Diplomacy checks, can innately identify all edible items, sling use
Centaur 1d8 +2 AGI +1 DEX
-2 WIS
+4 Athletics Can function as a mount for others, travel long distances (60+(CONx2) mi./day)
Minotaur 1d9 +2 STR +1 AGI
-2 INT
+4 Concentration Senses cardinal directions and can radar the presence of other creatures
Leijon 1d6 +2 AGI -1 CON +4 Acrobacy, +4 Escape +4 Sleight of Hand Immune to falling damage, can feign death at DC 10 + level to uncover
Vykoi 1d7 +1 STR +1 CON -1 WIS +4 Listen +4 Search Sense nearby creatures@1, tracking@4, detect alignment@8, sense carried items@12, advantage on Listen rolls
Satyr 1d7 +2 WIS -1 STR +4 Knowledge (Nature) +4 Diplomacy, +4 Perform Innate speak to animals, charm animal x1/day per 3 levels
Apekin 1d7 +1 DEX +1 CON -1 WIS +4 Acrobacy Prehensile tail can be used as third limb