Mage Spells
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Tier 3 |
Tier 4 |
Abjuration * Alarm * Mage Armor * Prot. from G/E * Prot. from Vermin * Shield Conjuration * Conj. Component * Conj. Duplicate * Conj. Mirror * Find Familiar * Grease * Mist Divination * Comprehend Lang. * Detect Magic * Identify * Measure Enchantment * Charm Humanoid * Command * Sleep Evocation * Flame Spray * Magic Missile * Thunderclap Illusion * Color Spray * Minor Illusion * Sound Necromancy * Fear * Mana Tap * Spider's Claw Transmutation * Enlarge * Feather * Fist of Stone * Jump |
Abjuration * Arcane Lock Conjuration * Fire Sphere * Spinning Daggers * Web Divination * Detect Thoughts * Sense Object * See Invisible Enchantment * Suggestion Evocation * Acid Shot * Darkness * Gust of Wind * Numbing Ice * Scorching Whip * Shatter Space * Smoldering Stones Illusion * Blur Image * Invisibility * Light Clones * Phantasm * Record Voice Necromancy * Sensory Loss * Transfer Life * Weakening Ray Transmutation * Alter Self * Magnet. Projectile * Darkvision * Dragonbreath * Enhance Weapon * Levitate * Open * Spider Climb |
Abjuration * Arcane Circle * Arcane Glyph * Dispel Magic * Nondetection * Prot. from Element * Remove Curse Conjuration * Conjure Tide * Gas Cloud * Horrorterror * Rain Sleet * Sum. Less. Demon * Thunderblink Divination * Clairvoyance * Tongues Enchantment * Lesser Hold * Paranoia * Restful Dream Evocation * Daylight * Elemental Bullets * Fireball * Lightning Bolt * Magical Dome * Send Message Illusion * Hypnosis * Major Illusion Necromancy * Curse * Feign Death * Lifetap Transmutation * Blink * Capturelogue * Elemental Weapon * Fly * Gaseous Form * Haste * Slow * Water Breathing * Water Walking |
Abjuration * Banish * Magical Privacy * Stoneskin Conjuration * Dimension. Pocket * Warp Divination * Mage Eye * Find Creature Enchantment * Charm Creature * Confusion Evocation * Ball Lightning * Force Bubble * Hailstorm * Thermal Shield * Wall of Fire Illusion * Lesser Mirage * Persist. Invisibility Necromancy * Dessicate Transmutation * Control Earth * Control Water * Crafting * Polymorph |
Tier 5 |
Tier 6 |
Tier 7 |
Tier 8 |
Tier 9 |
Abjuration * Bind Extraplanar Conjuration * Conjure Elemental * Deathcloud * Locust Swarm * Teleport Divination * Comm. w/ Planar * Scrying * Telepathy Enchantment * Distort Memory * Geas * Greater Hold * Mind Control Evocation * Blizzard Blast * Dawnfire * Extend Stone * Flashing Wall * Immolate Illusion * Dreamshape * Mass Distortion * Misdirection Necromancy * Animate Dead Transmutation * Animate Object * Telekinesis |
Abjuration * Antimagic Shell * Ward Sanctuary Conjuration * Local Gate * Midnight Crew Divination * Truesight Enchantment * Mass Suggestion * Uncontrollable Jig Evocation * Chain Lightning * Contingency * Freezing Snowball * Sunblast * Wall of Ice Illusion * Mind Prison * Prog. Illusion Necromancy * Danse Macabre * Possess Container * Wave of Decay Transmutation * Antimatter Beam * Conflagration * Conglaciation * Create Homunc. * Flesh to Stone * Pale Rapture * Tectonic Shell |
Abjuration * Lesser Imprison. Conjuration * Ascend * Magic Mansion Enchantment * Writhe Evocation * Bifurcated Helix * Casket of Stars * Chaos Splash * Flying Mageblade * Whirling Ebonpyre Illusion * Greater Mirage * Project Image * Semiclone Necromancy * Soul Lash Transmutation * Ethereal Shift * Reverse Gravity * Stasis |
Abjuration * Antimagic Zone * Fort. of the Mind Conjuration * Maze * Pyrocumulus Enchantment * Concussion * Flummox * Greater Mind Ctrl. Evocation * Earthquake * Green Sun * Midnight Calliope Necromancy * Ectobiologic. Clone * Septic Shock * Soultrap |
Abjuration * Greater Imprison. * Quantum Immort. Conjuration * Planar Gate * Wish Divination * Bifurcate Vision Enchantment * Lunatic Shriek * ...Fate: Death Evocation * Event Horizon * Reckoning Illusion * Bedlam Necromancy * Astral Projection Transmutation * Alchemize * Mass Polymorph * Shapeshift * Time Stop |