Priest Spells
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Abjuration * Bark Armor * Prot. from G/E * Prot. from Vermin * Sanctuary * Shield of Faith Conjuration * Ice Spike * Mist Divination * Detect Magic * Detect Undeath Enchantment * Charm Humanoid * Command * Heroism Evocation * Faerie Fire * Healing Illusion * Sound Necromancy * Fear * Spider's Claw * Wound Transmutation * Fist of Stone * Humidify * Jump * Purify Food |
Abjuration * Fortify * Lesser Restoration * Pass w/o Trace * Prot. from Poison Divination * Augury * Beast Sense * Sense Anim. * Sense Trap Enchantment * Animal Messenger * Calm Emotions * Lesser Hold * Zone of Truth Evocation * Flame Sword * Gust of Wind * Moonfire * Spirit Flame * Spiritual Weapon Illusion * Silence Necromancy * Gentle Repose * Sensory Loss * Transfer Life Transmutation * Barkskin * Darkvision * Heat Metal * Rend. Earthbound |
Abjuration * Dispel Magic * Divine Circle * Divine Glyph * Hope * Prot. from Element * Remove Curse Conjuration * Call Storm * Conjure Animals * Conjure Tide * Create Sustenance * Rain Sleet * Spirit Guardians Divination * Clairvoyance * Tongues Enchantment * Friendship * Daylight * Prayer of Healing * Send Message * Windwall Illusion * Mass Hysteria Necromancy * Animate Dead * Curse * Feign Death * Speak w/ Dead * Lifetap Transmutation * Speak w/ Plants * Stonemeld * Water Breathing * Water Walking * Wild Growth |
Abjuration * Aura of Hope * Aura of Purity * Banish * Freedom * Soul Ward * Stoneskin Conjuration * Conj. Lesser Elem. * Conj. Nature Prot. * Grasping Roots Divination * Find Creature Enchantment * Charm Creature * Confusion * Control Beast Evocation * Ball Lightning * Hailstorm * Thermal Shield * Wall of Fire Illusion * Lesser Mirage Necromancy * Dessicate Transmutation * Control Earth * Control Water * Enlarge Vermin * Polymorph |
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Abjuration * Anti-life Barrier * Bind Extraplanar * Dispel Good & Evil * Great. Restoration Conjuration * Conjure Elemental * Locust Swarm * Summon Extrapl. * Tree Stride Divination * Comm. w/ Divine * Comm. w/ Nature Enchantment * Geas Evocation * Blizzard Blast * Dawnfire * Extend Stone * Hallow Ground * Holy Weapon * Mass Healing * Sunslammer Necromancy * Infection * Raise Dead Transmutation * Awaken Creature * Reincarnate |
Abjuration * Druidic Grove * Forbid Conjuration * Divine Feast * Mark and Recall * Mycelium Network * Summon Planar * Thorn Wall Divination * Pathfinding * Truesight Evocation * Cure * Sunblast * Wall of Blades Necromancy * Aggrieve * Danse Macabre Transmutation * Circle of Autumn * Circle of Spring * Circle of Summer * Circle of Winter |
Conjuration * Ascend * Summon Divine III Evocation * Secret Word * Whirling Ebonpyre Illusion * Greater Mirage Necromancy * Resurrection Transmutation * Ethereal Shift * Regeneration |
Abjuration * Antimagic Zone * Coruscant Divinity Conjuration * Pyrocumulus * Tsunami Evocation * Earthquake Transmutation * Beastshape * Control Weather |
Abjuration * Flawless Clothing. Conjuration * Planar Gate * Red Miles Divination * Foretell Enchantment * ...Fate: Death * ...Fate: Life Evocation * Complete Healing Necromancy * Astral Projection * ...Fate: Immort. Transmutation * Alchemize * Mass Polymorph * Shapeshift * Time Stop |