Classes > Knights

Holy Inquisitor -
Shadow Templar -
Draconic Warlord
Moon Knight -
Death Reaper -
Monastic fighters who are loyal to an earthly faction, who's fighting style originates from specialized training.
They get to choose 1 new talent at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 19, but may not exceed 20 in any stat this way until after level 20. Knights are granted the maximum racial value on added health points every time they level up instead of having to roll, and add their level to their melee damage. +4 Knowledge (Religion), Lunarians can't be Knights.
Level 1: Knights may Taunt one or more enemies to attract their attention in the midst of battle. Every enemy (or multiple at once with their skill averaged) must roll Concentration against the Knight's CHA.
Level 5: Knights gain the ability to Bash every odd combat turn instead of attacking, which rolls d20 minus the Knight's level to stun the target for one round. Targets with CON above 18 are immune.
Level 11: Knights gain the ability to doublestrike every turn. Furthermore, Knights of every allegiance become eligible for a Barony- a promotion which sees them graduate from a common Knight-Errant into their faction's equivalent of a feudal vassal.
The Knight must seek out a representative of the order somewhere in Dunia to receive a penultimate quest, after which a plot of land somewhere and company of lesser soldiers are granted to them.
The strength of the Knight's retainers, as well as the amount of taxes they receive from the populace depends on how influential they have been in furthering their faction's cause. Roleplay is deemed successfully "faction-appropriate" by the DM's discretion, and other more obvious acts that gain political favor also play into this.
- The Knight is initially promoted to Knight-Cavalier, allowed one guard (see bestiary) and a weekly stipend of 50 gp. Slaying 10 or more enemies of their order and reaching the 13th level promotes them to Sergeant.
- A Knight-Sergeant is allowed a company of two guards (see bestiary) and a weekly stipend of 100 gp. Overtaking an enemy installation and slaying its leader as well as reaching the 15th level promotes them to Lieutenant.
- A Knight-Lieutenant is allowed a company of five Knights (see bestiary) and a weekly stipend of 250 gp. Taking full control of one of the areas listed in the Location segment as well as reaching the 17th level promotes them to Captain.
- A Knight-Captain is allowed a company of ten Knights (see bestiary) and a weekly stipend of 500 gp. At this point, the Knight may call on a crusade against a chosen enemy faction which, if successful, promotes a 19th level Knight to Lord.
- A Knight-Lord has command of their faction's treasury and three other captains.
Level 15: Knights deal double damage on any accuracy roll at or above 18.
Level 17: Knights gain the ability to Disarm an opponent by rolling d20 vs 10 + enemy level. The weapon falls to the ground, where anyone may attempt to pick it up next round.
Level 19: Knights may immediately Riposte a failed attack against them, rolling for another attack that does not consume a turn once per combat round.
If a Knight breaks their code, they lose their specific class abilities until they seek out a more dedicated member of their order (such as a Priest, Witch, etc.) who will guide them in redemption once. They must fast for three days and donate 100 gp per level to their church, after which they gain one more chance.