Classes > Priests

Bishop - Cultist - Warsage - Druid
Servants of one of the major extraplanar deities, are endowed with the power to invoke historical miracles to harm or heal others and influence the world around them. Priests are conduits of divine powers who live to channel their blessing into the material plane, for better or for worse. A supernatural archetype, much like Mages, Priests are defined by their ability to break the laws of physics, yet unlike well-read scholars of metaphysics, they do so using the guidance of their divine masters.
Priesthood is one of the most ancient forms of guidance in the world. Aside from their role as shepherds of their people, they are expected to also be teachers, advisors and oracles, occupying influential and often pivotal positions of leadership in their own cultures, tending to the day to day work of maintaining important temples and shrines and leading religious ceremonies.
They get to choose 1 new talent at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 19, but may not exceed 20 in any stat this way until after level 20.
Characters with less than 13 WIS can't be Priests. Lunarians can't be priests. Priests can only use blunt weapons and add half their level to their damage roll. +10 Knowledge (Religion). None of the Priests with the exception of Druids can cast Nature miracles.
Level 1: Priests may pray to their deity once to save them from impending peril or implore them for help in some way. This ability has a variety of uses, and how willing the god is to answer the Priest's request depends on how much they personally like them, which depends on their level, their adherence to their own code and alignment thus far, among other things. At best, it could refill their health and that of their allies, or render those with hostile intent unable to see the Priest and their allies for up to 1 round per level of the Priest. If the god is displeased or apathetic, they might not respond, or even strike the Priest with misfortune.
Prayer success chance: Roll d20 + Level VS DC 30
They may turn water to holy (or unholy) water once a week and use it to upgrade any piece of gear to +1 and deal damage to oppositely aligned creatures. They may also or light up incense to remove the effects of a curse or possession once a week.
Level 4: Priests can detect the beatitude of an item (blessed or cursed) just by seeing it
Level 8: Priests can now bless water and light incense once per three days.
Level 12: The Priest is promoted to an Archpriest, gaining the ability to pass on their specific level 1 class skill to a willing Apostle, who can perform it so long as they're not of an alignment forbidden to their class.
Level 16: Priests can bless water and light incense daily.