Mage Spells > Tier 2
2 - Arcane Lock - Abjuration, Arcane
Using 25gp of gold dust, which the spell consumes, the caster tightly seals a door or any door-like formation with a DC of 10 + caster level to pick (Open Lock) or break down (STR).
2 - Fire Sphere - Conjuration, Fire
The caster summons a 5 foot sphere of explosive fire which causes 2d4 Fire damage to any creature within, with an extra +1d4 for each slot level above the 2nd. A successful spell AGI saving throw means the target managed to get out in time to only take half damage.
2 - Spinning Daggers - Conjuration, Arcane
The caster creates a 5 foot cube of spinning daggers which cause 2d4 physical damage to any creature within, with an extra +1d4 for each slot level above the 2nd. It lingers for 1 minute provided the caster maintains concentration.
2 - Web - Conjuration, Arcane
The caster covers a 20 foot wide area with spiderwebs. Any creatures within must roll STR vs DC 10 + the caster's level or be completely stuck each round. The web is flammable, dealing 2d4 damage if ignited.
2 - Detect Thoughts - Divination, Arcane
The caster can try to worm their way into the mind of an unsuspecting creature and read their current thoughts. The target feels nothing but a slight kind of pressure. The caster can try to probe their thoughts by silently asking questions and hearing the ensuing thought. The caster can also use this ability on themselves in order to detect nearby creatures, being able to then re-cast it on any of the detected targets without having to spend another slot.
2 - Sense Object - Divination, Arcane
Using a forked twig, the caster can sense the location of an object they can visualize within their mind's eye or describe with reasonable accuracy. This spell fails if the object is separated from the caster by any thickness of lead; even a thin sheet.
2 - See Invisible - Divination, Arcane
Using a small sprinkle of powdered silver, the caster gains the ability to see invisible creatures as well as spirits and ghosts of the dead for up to one hour.
2 - Suggestion - Enchantment, Arcane
Using the forked tongue of a snake, the caster can speak one sentence to a target of their choice who is willing to hear them out and improve their reaction. The caster speaks in a way that seems reasonable to the target regardless of whether a demand they make would be against their best interest. The target will obviously not obey dangerous commands, and any proof that the caster is lying will immediately snap them awake from the effect.
2 - Acid Shot - Evocation, Nature/Toxin
The caster mimics the act of an archer drawing an arrow, shooting a shot of steaming serpentine acid to fly toward the target with the same DEX calculation as a ranged attack. If the shot lands, it deals 2d4 Nature/Toxin damage initially, and 2d4 again after the victim takes an action. When cast at a higher slot level, this spell does an extra 1d4 damage for each slot level on both the initial and delayed hit.
2 - Darkness - Evocation, Shadow
The caster causes a 15 foot area to enter total darkness which is impenetrable even to creatures endowed with darkvision for up to 10 feet. Only magical light of equal slot level or higher to what this spell is cast in can illuminate through it. The darkness can be attached to an object and move along with it.
2 - Gust of Wind - Evocation, Nature/Air
Also affectionately known as "windy thing". For up to one minute, the caster can force a strong gust of wind 10 feet wind to blast in any direction, throwing creatures that fail a STR check on their back and 15 feet away. The area is considered difficult terrain until the end of the effect. This gust extinguishes natural fires of any kind. As a bonus action, the caster can change the wind's direction.
2 - Numbing Ice - Evocation, Frost
A blast of cold emanates in a 30 foot cone from the caster's hand, forcing all creatures caught within to roll CON or take 2d4 + 1d4 for each slot level above the 2nd in Frost damage. Successful save halves damage. The terrain is turned into difficult terrain for the next round for each creature that fails the save roll.
2 - Scorching Whip - Evocation, Fire
A whip of pure fire materializes in the caster's hand which does not hurt them. They may crack the whip to spread it into a straight line of 30 feet in length, which forces everything in its path to roll AGI or endure 3d6 damage +1d6 for each slot level above the 2nd. A successful save halves damage.
2 - Shatter Space - Evocation, Nature/Air
The caster does a sudden movement of their hand, forcing a 10 foot wide space of air in front of them to erupt with a sudden pressure. Any creatures caught in the area must roll CON or take 1d6 damage. A successful save halves damage taken. Inorganic things not being worn or carried are damaged.
2 - Smoldering Stones - Evocation, Fire
The caster coalesces three pebbles of white-hot fire which do not hurt them. They may spend a main action to throw all three stones at any number of targets, with each dealing 2d6 damage. Casting this spell at a higher slot level creates one more stone per level above the 2nd.
2 - Blur Image - Illusion, Arcane
The caster makes their image appear blurry and shift around, causing any attackers going for them to have disadvantage, except those that do not rely on sight such as those with blindsight or truesight.
2 - Invisibility - Illusion, Shadow
The caster renders themselves and anything they're wearing or carrying invisible as long as it remains on them. This spell ends for any target that attacks or casts a spell. If this spell is cast at a higher slot level, the caster can target 1 more creature per level above 2nd.
2 - Light Clones- Illusion, Arcane
Three mirror images of the caster appear nearby, mimicking their exact movements and lasting for up to one minute. If the caster is subject to an attack and fails to dodge, they roll a d20 and only take damage if the result is lower than what follows for each of the following situations: 6 if three clones are up, 8 if two, and 11 if one. If a light clone is hit, it disperses immediately. Recasting the spell refreshes the count.
2 - Phantasm - Illusion, Shadow
The caster implants the phantasm of an object or creature in the mind of a target that lasts for up to 1 minute, who must roll for WIS against the spell or believe it is fully real. The phantasm is so vivid that the target's mind rationalizes any illogical behavior, such as believing a phantasmal bridge was moved by the wind if they tried to walk across it and fell. Each turn, the victim takes 1d6 Shadow damage.
2 - Record Voice* - Illusion, Arcane
An object chosen by the caster remembers up to ten minutes of speech, preparing to sprout a magical mouth and replay them again when a specific trigger event happens. The trigger can be anything from the presence of a creature or object, to another spell being cats, to a specific span of time passing.
2 - Sensory Loss - Necromancy, Shadow
The caster forces a target they can see to roll CON to resist or be blinded or deafened (up to the caster) for up to one minute. At the end of each turn, the victim can roll CON to break out of the effect. If cast at a higher slot level, this spell can target one more creature for each level above the 2nd.
2 - Transfer Life - Necromancy, Nature/Life
The caster chooses a 10 foot radius area in which every target must roll CON or take 2d6 + 1d6 for each slot above the 2nd this spell is cast in as Shadow damage (half on a successful save). Plants in that area wither. They can use the energy taken to restore an amount of health to another target of their choice equal to their natural racial hit die + the caster's INT multiplied by the spell slot level.
2 - Weakening Ray - Necromancy, Shadow
A ray of glowing black energy beams from the caster's finger toward a creature they can see, allowing the caster to roll a normal ranged accuracy roll. If it lands, the target rolls CON resist and if they fail, they only do half damage on all attacks that use STR for the next minute.
2 - Alter Self - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster can assume a different form of the same general size as theirs for up to one hour. They can choose one of the following effects:
- Assume an aquatic form, which allows them to breathe using gills and swim with no Athletics skill roll by using webbed fingers.
- Change their appearance into any other by making small adjustments to height and weight changes, facial features, voice, hair, gender or even race. They cannot change from bipedal to quadrupedal or vice versa.
- Grow natural weapons like claws, fangs, horns and the like which deal 1d6+1 damage.
2 - Magnetize Projectile - Transmutation, Arcane
The caster touches a ranged weapon, causing the next projectile to fire from it to be magnetized to a target the caster chooses ahead of time. The ensuing ranged attack rolls for accuracy with a bonus equal to 4 + the caster's INT modifier.
2 - Darkvision - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster touches a willing creature, altering the biology of their sight to grant them the ability to see in total darkness up to 60 feet.
2 - Dragonbreath - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster touches a willing creature, altering the biology of their lungs to grant them the ability to breathe like a Dragon once within the next minute. The caster makes a choice: 3d6 Fire, Frost, Nature/Toxin, Nature/Air or Shadow in a 15 foot cone. Creatures can roll AGI to only take half damage. This spell can be cast at a higher slot level, adding +1d6 damage for each slot about the 2nd.
2 - Enhance Weapon - Transmutation, Arcane
The caster touches a non-magical weapon, increasing its enchantment level to +1 for up to an hour. This spell can be cast at slot level 4 to upgrade the weapon to +2, or level 6 to upgrade the weapon to +3.
2 - Levitate - Transmutation, Nature/Air
One creature or loose object of the caster's choosing rises vertically, up to 20 feet in the air, and remains suspended for the duration. The spell can levitate up to 500 pounds in total weight. An unwilling creature has to roll CON to resist the effect. The target loses all contact with gravity, and can only direct themselves by pushing against a fixed object or surface within reach. If the caster is the target, they may control the altitude; otherwise, they can use their action to move the target telekinetically within range. When the spell ends, the target floats safely to the ground.
2 - Open - Transmutation, Arcane
The spell opens any door, container, manacles, padlock or other thing clasped shut by any conventional lock or lock-like contraption. If the object is held shut using the Arcane Lock spell, it is momentarily unlocked for 10 minutes. The spell strikes at the pins and springs of the lock in a highly forceful way, causing an extremely loud click audible for up to 300 feet.
2 - Spider Climb - Transmutation, Nature/Earth
The caster touches a willing target, modifying their gravity so as to be able to walk perpendicularly along any vertical surface at walking speed for up to an hour. The target automatically succeeds all climbing skill checks while having free use of their hands.