Mage Spells > Tier 3
3 - Arcane Circle - Abjuration, Arcane
Using holy water blessed by a Priest and a mixture of powdered silver and iron worth 100gp, the caster traces a circle which contains a 10 foot radius and 20 foot tall cylinder from the floor. The caster then chooses one or more kinds of specific supernatural creatures such as angels, demons, the undead, etc. If any of these creatures come into contact with the circle, they recoil instinctively. They can never enter the circle, have disadvantage on attacks that reach into the circle, and cannot mind-addle any creature within.
3 - Arcane Glyph - Abjuration, Arcane
Using incense and powdered diamond worth 200gp, the caster inscribes a mystical rune on a chosen surface which activates on touch or by proximity, causing another prepared spell of spell slot level 3 or lower to go off. The glyph is invisible to beings without truesight, unless they cast See Invisible.
3 - Dispel Magic - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster chooses one object, creature or ongoing magical effect. Any spell cast at 3rd slot level or lower immediately ends. Spells of higher slot level force the dispeller to INT roll DC 10 + the spell's level.
3 - Nondetection - Abjuration, Shadow
The caster sprinkles 25 gp of diamond dust over a willing target no larger than an elephant, granting them immunity from being detected by any kind of Divination spellcast for up to 8 hours.
3 - Protection from Element - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster gains resistance to one chosen type of magical damage for up to 1 hour. If cast at the 4th level, this spell can protect a chosen willing target.
3 - Remove Curse - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster touches a cursed creature or item, nullifying the curse. If they are a creature, the curse is completely gone. If the target is an item the curse remains, but its attunement to its holder ceases, allowing it to be completely removed or discarded.
3 - Conjure Tide - Conjuration, Nature/Water
The caster summons a violent wave of water that rises 10 feet in the air and 10 feet wide and crashes into any targets in a 30 foot straight line from a starting point of the caster's choice. All targets caught within must roll AGI or be knocked prone and take 4d8 physical damage. The wave snuffs out all fires it touches and vanishes after it settles or the caster loses concentration.
3 - Gas Cloud - Conjuration, Nature/Toxin
The caster summons a 40 foot wide cloud of reeking gas. It can move and turn corners, and lingers for up to 1 minute. Any creature within the gas cloud that is not immune to poison must roll CON to resist the spell or begin retching and lose their next turn. Creatures that don't breathe are also immune to this effect. A moderate wind halves the size of the cloud, while a strong wind clears it entirely.
3 - Horrorterror - Conjuration, Shadow
The caster tears open a 20 foot sphere that invites the Abyss in a chosen location for up to 1 minute, allowing the oppressive whispers of otherworldly forces of entropy to grip everything in the area. Any creature within is blinded and takes 2d6 Frost damage at the beginning of their turn and another 2d6 Shadow damage at the end, and no light can illuminate the space.
3 - Rain Sleet - Conjuration, Frost OR Nature/Water
Freezing rain blankets a 80 foot area of the caster's choosing, which douses all flames and covers the ground in slick ice. The area becomes difficult to cross, and any creatures that end a turn within must roll AGI against the spell or fall to the ground helplessly and lose a turn. This spell also attempts to break the concentration of casters within, forcing them to roll CON.
3 - Summon Lesser Demon - Conjuration, Shadow
Using the blood of a humanoid killed within the last 24 hours, the caster calls forth weak Demons from the darkness of the Abyss. They roll a d6 to decide the outcome:
- 1-2: Two rank 2 Demons
- 3-4: Four lesser Demonic animals
- 5-6: Eight Demonic pests, such as imps or fiendish vermin
The Demons are hostile to everyone, including the caster. They roll for initiative if they're capable, with each having their own turn. Additionally, the caster can draw a circle on the ground using the component blood to form a barrier the Demons can never cross.
The spell can be cast at a higher slot level, doubling the number of summoned creatures on the 5th level, tripling it on the 7th and quadrupling it on the 9th.
3 - Thunderblink - Conjuration, Nature/Air
The caster blinks and shifts their location anywhere they can visualize within 15 feet, leaving behind an incredible explosion of lightning that deals 2d8 damage to each creature 10 feet away (successful CON save halves damage). The sound of the explosion can be heard from 300 feet away. If this spell is cast at a higher slot level, damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above the 3rd.
3 - Clairvoyance - Divination, Arcane
By focusing on a small glass eye, the caster can redirect their vision to a ghostly sensor somewhere they have been before or somewhere they can easily describe (behind a specific door, in a certain grove of trees) up to 1 mile away, for up to 10 minutes. The sensor is a ghostly fist-sized eye that floats in the target location and cannot be seen without magic.
3 - Tongues - Divination, Arcane
The caster chooses one target, and grants them the ability to comprehend any language they hear, and to be understood by anyone who speaks at least one language for one hour.
3 - Lesser Hold - Enchantment, Arcane
The caster forces a chosen humanoid to roll WIS or be paralyzed completely for up to one minute. If cast at a higher slot level, this targets 1 more person per level above the 2nd.
3 - Paranoia - Enchantment, Shadow
The caster reaches into the mind of a creature they can see. Unless it's immune to being frightened or succeeds an INT roll, it immediately loses the ability to distinguish friend from foe for up to 1 minute, and attacks the closest targets. Each turn, the victim will attempt to INT roll to break out of the spell's effect.
3 - Restful Dream - Enchantment, Shadow
The caster sends up to 3 willing targets asleep for 10 minutes. If they sleep the full duration without being woken up, they rise free of any mind-addling effects, and restore their own racial hit die multiplied by the slot level this spell is cast in in health. At higher slot levels, this spell can target one more target for each slot level above the 3rd.
3 - Daylight - Evocation, Fire
A specific point or object touched by the caster radiates a 120 foot range of appropriately colored daylight, and dim twilight for another 60 feet in every direction for up to 1 hour.
3 - Elemental Bullets - Evocation, Fire OR Frost OR Nature/Earth OR Nature/Air
Six tiny balls of energy of any element chosen by the caster ahead of time orbit them for up to 10 minutes. During this period, the caster may expend a bonus action on each turn to fire two of the bullets to a target they can see within 120 feet, dealing 2d6 appropriate elemental damage (halved by a successful AGI save.) If cast at a higher slot level, this spell adds 2 more bullets per slot above the 3rd.
3 - Fireball - Evocation, Fire
A fist-sized ball of flame flies forth from the caster's index finger to a point of their choosing and then explodes into a great 40 foot diameter conflagration. Each creature caught in the blast is forced to make an AGI save or take 6d6 Fire damage +1d6 for each slot above the 3rd (successful save halves). All flammable objects not worn or carried and gasses caught in the blast explode with the same damage.
3 - Lightning Bolt - Evocation, Nature/Air
The caster strikes with their hand in the air, causing a 100 foot long and 5 foot wide line in front of them to crackle with searing lightning. Each creature within is forced to make an AGI save or take 6d6 Nature/Air damage +1d6 for each slot above the 3rd (successful save halves). All flammable gasses and objects not worn or carried explode with the same damage.
3 - Magical Dome* - Evocation, Arcane
A 20-foot diameter dome of raw arcane coalesces around the caster, which can fit up to ten total targets inside for up to 8 hours. All inside are protected from magic and weather, and the dome cannot be crossed by any means unless dispelled. The caster can choose its color, opacity and light level inside.
3 - Magnetism - Evocation, Arcane
The caster polarizes their body and the body of every creature in a 30 foot cone in front of them, forcing them to roll CON or be flung 15 feet toward or away from the caster and be knocked prone. This spell causes 5d6 damage, halved on a successful save. If this spell is cast at a higher level, it deals +1d6 more and moves the targets 5 more feet for each level above the 3rd.
3 - Send Message - Evocation, Arcane
Sends a 25 word message or less to any creature the caster knows, who recognizes them.
3 - Hypnosis - Illusion, Arcane
The caster summons a phantasmal show of color that causes a number of targets within a 30 foot area to roll for WIS or be charmed for up to 1 minute. Hypnotized targets have an AGI value of 0, making them incapacitated and unable to move until they take damage or are shaken out of their stupor.
3 - Major Illusion - Illusion, Arcane
The caster creates a phantasm in the form of an object, creature or any other visible phenomenon up to 20 feet large. This image appears completely real to any observer, and can fool all of their senses except touch, but is not potent enough to move or cause damage. The caster can use their action to reposition it. It lasts for 10 minutes, as long as the caster is concentrating. This spell can be cast at the 6th slot to no longer require active concentration.
3 - Curse - Necromancy, Holy
The caster touches a creature, cursing them for 1 minute or until they lose concentration. The victim must make a WIS saving throw or have disadvantage on everything until the effect ends and take an extra +1d8 Shadow damage from all sources. They also have to roll for WIS every combat turn or waste the round in catatonic stupor. This spell can be cast at a higher slot level to extend the duration:
4th: 10 minutes, with concentration.
5th: 8 hours, without concentration
7th: 24 hours, without concentration
9th: permanent until dispelled, without concentration
3 - Feign Death* - Necromancy, Nature/Life
A willing creature touched by the caster falls into a state of torpor that's completely indistinguishable from death, whether by physical or magical means. The target is blind and unable to move for up to 1 hour or until they gather the willpower to shake themselves awake. They have resistance to every form of damage while feigning death and if poisoned or sickened do not suffer any effects until they wake up.
3 - Lifetap - Necromancy, Shadow
The caster takes an unmitigable 4d8 in Shadow damage, restoring that much to another creature they can see one turn later. If cast at a higher slot level, this spell adds +1d8 for every level above the 3rd.
3 - Blink - Transmutation, Shadow
The caster disappears, crossing into the Ethereal Plane, and reappearing immediately 10 feet away from their previous position. They cannot blink into solid objects, and will shove objects aside on landing.
3 - Capturelogue - Transmutation, Arcane
The caster touches a non-magical item up to 20 feet wide in any direction, shrinking it down to a piece of book paper. The object can be returned to its original shape or size by throwing the piece of paper on a solid surface. Anything can be captured by this spell, even a burning fire and its fuel. If cast at a higher slot level the maximum size of the object increases by 20 feet for each slot level above the 3rd.
3 - Elemental Weapon - Transmutation, Fire OR Frost OR Nature/Air OR Nature/Toxin
The caster touches a weapon and concentrates for up to an hour on altering its composition, causing any damage done with it to add 1 more die in Fire, Frost, Thunder or Acid respectively. This spell can be cast at slot level 5 or 7, respectively causing it to add 2 and 3 dice of elemental damage instead.
3 - Fly - Transmutation, Nature/Air
A willing creature touched by the caster gains a flying speed of 60 feet per round for a total of 10 minutes, provided the caster maintains concentration. If the effect ends while the target is in mid-air, they begin falling to the ground immediately. Every slot level above the 3rd can target one more character.
3 - Gaseous Form - Transmutation, Nature/Air
A willing creature touched by the caster turns into a cloud of gas that floats at a speed of 10 feet per round for up to 1 hour, provided the caster maintains concentration. If the effect ends while the target is in mid-air, they begin falling to the ground immediately. The target has resistance to all kinds of damage and advantage on all saving throws in this form. They can pass through small holes, narrow openings and cracks, but cannot go through liquids, speak, attack, cast spells or manipulate objects.
3 - Haste - Transmutation, Arcane
A willing creature touched by the caster doubles their movement speed, gains a +2 bonus to AGI; advantage on AGI saving throws and an extra physical action per round (no casting spells) for 1 full minute. At the end of the effect, the target becomes lethargic and loses one round doing nothing.
3 - Slow - Transmutation, Arcane
The caster targets up to 6 creatures in a 40 foot cube area they can see, forcing them all to roll WIS or have their speed halved, suffer a -2 AGI penalty, disadvantage on AGI rolls and lose the ability to react or perform bonus actions. All creatures that attack more than once a round are limited to a single attack per turn, and effects that take more than one round to perform have a 50% chance to be delayed one more round. This effect lasts for 1 minute, and each round the victims can try to roll WIS to break out.
3 - Water Breathing* - Transmutation, Nature/Water
The caster grants up to 10 creatures the ability to breathe underwater for 24 hours.
3 - Water Walking* - Transmutation, Nature/Water
The caster grants up to 10 willing creatures the ability to walk across any liquid or semi-liquid of any kind as if it was harmless solid ground (although lava will still cause heat damage) for up to 1 hour. If a target is submerged in liquid, this spell brings them up to the surface at a rate of 60 feet per round.