Mage Spells > Tier 5
5 - Bind Extraplanar - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster chooses an extraplanar creature they can see, and by using a jewel worth at least 1,000 (which is consumed), they may force it to roll CHA or be shackled into servitude for 24 hours. The creature feels compelled to follow any instructions given to it by the caster and follow them, but if it is hostile it will attempt to twist words and nitpick. If this spell is cast at a higher spell level, the spell's duration is extended to 10 days at 6th, 30 days at 7, 6 months at 8, and a year and a day at 9.
5 - Conjure Elemental - Conjuration, Nature
By using burnt incense, a lump of soft clay, a handful of sulfur or a handful of water, the caster may conjure a large rank 5 elemental creature about 10 feet tall. The elemental is initially servile and obedient to the caster and their companions, and performs their own initiative roll. The spell lasts up to 1 hour.
At the end of the effect or before it, the caster must consciously dismiss the elemental. If their concentration is otherwise broken the elemental creature breaks out of control and turns on their master, becoming hostile toward them and their companions. An uncontrolled elemental can no longer be peacefully dismissed, but will dissipate after the hour is over.
This spell can be cast at slot level 7 to summon a Greater elemental, or at slot level 8 to summon a Dao, Djinni, Ifrit or Marid, or 9 to summon an Elder Elemental.
5 - Deathcloud - Conjuration, Nature/Toxin
The caster materializes a 40 foot wide cloud of gas, initially as a sphere, which collapses and moves along with the ground in any direction at 10 feet per round, spreading around corners and pouring down openings. It lasts for up to 10 minutes provided the caster maintains concentration, or until any kind of strong wind disperses it. Every creature in the area becomes blinded to anything beyond its melee range, and must roll CON or take 5d8 Nature/Toxin damage (successful save halves.) Creatures are affected even if they can hold their breath, as the cloud is corrosive to flesh. If cast at a higher slot level, damage increases by +1d8 for each level above 5th.
5 - Locust Swarm - Conjuration, Nature/Life
A great wind brings a swarm of biting locusts in a sphere roughly 40 feet in diameter to a point of the caster's choosing. The swarm whirls around for up to 10 minutes provided the caster maintains concentration, causing every creature in the area to roll CON or be blinded and take 4d10 physical damage (successful save halves) at the end of each turn. If this spell is cast at a higher slot level, damage increases by +1d10 for each spell slot level above the 5th.
5 - Teleport - Conjuration, Nature/Life
The caster chants for 10 minutes, mentally visualizing a place on the same plane of existence they have been to before for long enough to remember in detail. They may carry with them a total of 100 pounds per experience level, including people. This spell can be cast at slot level 7 to allow interplanar travel.
5 - Commune With Planar* - Divination, Arcane
The caster tunes their mind to the higher level psychic waves of one of the elemental planes, allowing them to roll INT at DC 15 for the chance to get in contact with the local planar deity. If the DC fails, the caster takes 6d6 typeless damage and goes insane, losing the ability to take actions, understand language or speak coherently until the next day. If the caster succeeds, they may ask the planar deity up to 5 questions whose answer is "yes", "no", "maybe", "never", or "unclear".
5 - Scrying - Divination, Arcane
By chanting into either a crystal ball, a silver mirror or a pool of holy water worth 1,000 gp each for 10 minutes, the caster attempts to observe a chosen creature from an eagle's eye view. The creature will suddenly sense the urge to throw a WIS roll, but not know they are being observed regardless of the outcome. This roll is penalized by -10 if the caster holds something like a lock of their hair or body part, and a further -5 if the caster is familiar with the target or +5 resistance bonus if the caster only knows of them secondhand. If the target resists, the caster cannot attempt again for 24 hours.
The act of scrying lasts up to 10 minutes, and has unlimited range. If the creature has truesight or can otherwise see invisible things, they can see an orb of light the size of the caster's fist above them.
5 - Telepathy* - Divination, Arcane
The caster binds their mind with up to 8 willing creatures of their choice within range, psychically linking their minds for up to 1 hour. Until the end of the effect, all bound creatures can communicate using their mental voice regardless of language, over any distance, but not across the planes. This spell can be cast at the 8th level to remove any range requirement and allow communication through abstract sensation.
5 - Distort Memory - Enchantment, Arcane
The caster selects a charmed or willing creature, placing their hand on their head and reaching deep into their memories. They can change up to 10 continuous minutes of the creature's memory from the last 24 hours and can modify them as they wish. The process consists of verbally reasserting the new memory to the creature, which means both the caster and the victim must share at least a language.
The new memory isn't guaranteed to affect the creature's behavior. If it is too cognitively dissonant with its usual behavior (such as "remembering" how much it loves bathing in acid), the creature may dismiss it as a bad dream or intrusive thought. A remove curse or greater restoration can reverse the effect. If this spell is cast at a higher slot level, the maximum duration increases to 7 days at level 6, 30 days at level 7, 1 year ago at level 8, or at any time in the creature's past at level 9.
5 - Geas - Enchantment, Shadow
Pronounced "gesh." The caster verbally binds a target that can understand them, forcing them to roll WIS or be compelled to obey a simple one-sentence rule or action or suffer 5d10 Shadow damage a maximum of once per day. If the command would lead to death, the victim immediately succeeds their resist roll. The geas can be broken prematurely using the spells remove curse, greater restoration or wish. This effect lasts for 30 days, but if cast at a higher spell slot, the duration can increase to 1 year at level 7 and permanently until broken at level 9.
5 - Greater Hold - Enchantment, Arcane
The caster forces any creature, bestial, extraplanar or otherwise (except the undead) to roll WIS or be paralyzed completely for up to one minute. This spell can be cast at higher slot levels, targeting 1 more person per slot level above the 5nd.
5 - Mind Control* - Enchantment, Arcane
The caster wriggles their fingers, forcing a humanoid or animal to roll WIS (at advantage if it's currently locked in combat) or become under total psychic control of the caster for up to 1 minute with concentration or until one of its new allies attacks it. The caster can focus on their victim in order to perform any action using its body. If this spell is cast at a higher level spell slot, it increases the duration to 10 minutes at 6, 1 hour at 7, and 8 hours at 8.
5 - Blizzard Blast - Evocation, Frost
A 60 foot cone from the caster's palm forces all creatures caught in to roll CON or take 6d8 Frost damage (half as much on a successful save). Any creature killed by this spell is frozen solid. At higher levels, this spell deals +1d8 more damage for each level above the 5th.
5 - Dawnfire - Evocation, Holy
A blast of powerful sunlight erupts from a point of the caster's choosing up to a 30 foot radius, shining for up to 1 minute. Creatures that fail a CON throw take 4d10 damage (half as much on a successful save) with Undead and Demons taking the absolute maximum value.
5 - Extend Stone - Evocation, Nature/Earth
The caster causes a stone wall 6 inches in thickness to erupt from a solidly fixed base of rock. The wall is composed of ten 10 x 10 foot "panels" that interlock tightly and must all be connected at all times. If the wall touches a creature at the time of its formation, the creature may roll AGI to jump away from being hit or enclosed within it. The wall can be vertical, or horizontal, or in any shape the caster desires.
Being non-magical, the wall is prone to being damaged, and has 30 health points per inch of thickness. While it still stands, the caster can shape it into rough crenellations, battlements, windows, etc.
If the caster can maintain their concentration on the wall for up to 10 minutes, it becomes permanent.
5 - Flashing Wall - Evocation, Fire
The caster selects a stretch of ground that extends up to 60 feet in any shape, causing a holographic barrier to erupt up to 10 feet in the air, forming a barrier 5 feet thick. The wall blocks line of sight, and lasts for up to 10 minutes provided the caster maintains concentration. The caster can select any side of the wall to flash with dizzying brightness, consuming it and forcing all creatures that see it to roll CON and be blinded for 1 minute and take 4d8 Nature damage (half as much and no blinding on a successful save.) Alternatively, they may maintain the wall and use it to shoot beams that consume 10 feet of wall per round to deal 4d8 Nature damage until it is all gone or the spell's duration ends. If this spell is cast at a higher skill slot level, damage increases by +1d8 for each level above the 5th.
5 - Immolate - Evocation, Fire
The caster forces a target they can see within 90 feet to roll AGI or be wreathed in flame. The target takes 8d6 Fire damage and catches fire for 1 minute. (half as much with no catching fire on a successful save.) They burn brightly, lighting a 30 foot radius and another 30 foot radius dimly. At the end of each turn, the immolated target can roll AGI again to try to beat the flame or they take another 4d6 Fire damage. These are magical flames that cannot be extinguished by normal means such as rolling or dousing with water. If this spell kills the target, they collapse into a pile of ash.
5 - Dreamshape - Illusion, Shadow
The caster focuses on a target anywhere around the world that's currently asleep. Once located, they or a willing messenger enters a half-awake trance during which they appear in the target's dream, and is able to relay any message in 25 words or less. The messenger can alter the target's dreams, creating landscapes or false sensation or the like.
5 - Mass Distortion - Illusion, Arcane
The caster chooses any number of targets they can see (forcing them to roll CHA if unwilling) and alters their visible appearance. The caster can manipulate the heights, weights, clothing and carried objects within reasonable racial limits of the targets. This illusion lasts up to 8 hours, but does not hold up to physical touch; anything will phase through illusionary parts, and any creature can roll INT to investigate.
5 - Misdirection - Illusion, Arcane
The caster goes invisible, leaving an afterimage that lasts for up to 1 hour or until the caster loses concentration, attacks or casts a spell. The caster can use their action to move the afterimage at a speed equal to double their own, speak or mime any action they want. The caster can also consume an action to shift their sight or hearing to illusionary double's eyes or ears, losing their own sense until they shift back.
5 - Animate Dead - Necromancy, Shadow
The caster commands a pile of bones or a corpse to rise into a skeleton or a zombie respectively. The caster can then use their bonus turn to assign any command to the creature, such as a direct verbal command or a complex task like guarding a location, otherwise the creature will only defend itself. This spell lasts for 24 hours, at which point the caster loses control of the creature, and must cast it again.
This spell can be cast at a higher slot level, creating 2 more undead servants per slot level above the 5th it is cast in.
5 - Animate Object - Transmutation, Arcane
Up to 10 non-magical objects the caster can see that are not worn or carried come to life. Human-sized objects count as 2, larger objects count as 4, and Huge objects count as 8. Objects larger than Huge cannot be animated. This effect lasts for up to 1 minute provided the caster maintains concentration, or until the objects are "killed." Objects have blindsight, and their stats depend on their size:
- Tiny: 20 HP, 4 STR, 18 DEX/AGI, 1d4+4 damage
- Small: 25 HP, 6 STR, 14 DEX/AGI, 1d8+2 damage
- Medium: 40 HP, 10 STR, 12 DEX/AGI, 2d6+1 damage
- Large: 50 HP, 14 STR, 10 DEX/AGI, 2d10+2 damage
- Huge: 80 HP, 18 STR, 6 DEX/AGI, 2d12+4 damage
For the purpose of other calculations, all objects have a CON 10, INT/WIS 3 and CHA 1, and move at 30 feet per round, unless bound or secured. If the object has "appendages" it can flap, it can fly.
5 - Telekinesis - Transmutation, Arcane
The caster gains the ability to manipulate objects with their thought for up to 10 minutes provided they maintain concentration. Until the effect ends, they may spend an action to move a creature (which can roll STR to resist) or object up to 1,000 pounds up to 30 feet in any direction, but at a maximum of 60 feet away from the caster. If the object is worn or held by someone, they can roll STR to resist.