Mage Spells > Tier 6
6 - Antimagic Shell - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster coalesces a barrier in a 10 foot radius around them that lasts up to 1 minute provided they maintain concentration. No spell lower level than the slot this spell is cast in can affect targets inside, and all area spells of lower level are similarly ineffective to anything within.
6 - Ward Sanctuary - Abjuration, Arcane
Using burning incense, the blood of a supernatural creature and a silver rod, the caster spends 10 minutes preparing a total of 2,500 ft ² (equivalent to 50 x 50 feet) up to 20 feet in height inside a building from unwelcome guests. Several floors can be warded at once by dividing the total allowable space, so long as the caster can physically walk to the areas meant to be warded. The caster can both choose individuals and/or specify a password that allows immunity to the effects of this spell.
In a warded building, corridors are obscured as if by a mist spell. Doors are all arcane locked, and up to ten of them may be turned by minor illusion into seeming like sections of wall. All stairs are webbed by spider silk. The caster may conjure light and gust of wind in 4 places total. The ward lasts for 24 hours or until dispelled. The reagents are not consumed until the ward dissipates, meaning the caster may repeat this spell every day up to 1 year to make it permanent.
6 - Local Gate - Conjuration, Arcane
The caster selects two locations they can see, one within 10 feet and another within 500 feet, and concentrates for up to 10 minutes on tearing open circular portals linking them. The portals glow and look like 10 foot wide waterfalls of obscuring mist, hovering inches from the ground and perpendicular to it. The caster must choose which of the portals is the entrance and which is the exit, making the exit invisible.
6 - Midnight Crew - Conjuration, Shadow
The caster summons 4 shadow crooks in melee range that linger for up to 1 hour, until the caster loses concentration or until their health reaches 0 hit points. They will attack anything on command and perform simple investigative actions using 18 WIS rolls, but aren't particularly friendly or talkative.
6 - Truesight - Conjuration, Arcane
The caster grants a willing creature truesight, or the ability to see anything that is hidden or invisible, as well as spirits in the Ethereal Plane and the Shadow Realm. This lasts for 1 hour.
6 - Mass Suggestion - Enchantment, Arcane
This spell is a wide-area version of the 2nd tier suggestion spell which influences up to 12 targets at once. Each can individually roll WIS to resist. The spell effect lasts for up to 24 hours.
6 - Uncontrollable Jig - Enchantment, Arcane
The caster forces a creature to roll WIS or be charmed into dancing uncontrollably, wasting all of its actions save for its reaction for up to 1 minute. It has disadvantage on AGI rolls, and can roll WIS to try to break out of the effect each turn.
6 - Chain Lightning - Evocation, Nature/Air
The caster blasts an arc of lightning from their palm that strikes a target of their choice, leaping up to three other individual targets they can see within 30 feet of one another. The target can be a creature or it can be an electrically conductive target, and each target can only be chosen once per round. Each victim must roll AGI or take 8d8 Nature/Air damage (half as much on a successful save.) If this spell is cast at a higher slot level, the number of targets increases by 1 for each level above the 6th.
6 - Contingency - Evocation, Arcane
By focusing on a little doll of themselves carved in ivory and decorated with 1,500 gp of gems, the caster may select any of their currently memorized spells and cast it, delaying its effect until the occurrence of a specific condition of their choosing within 10 days. The spellcast goes off, consuming the reagents if needed, but the effect does not happen until the condition is met. Only spells that target the caster can be used as a contingency, and the effect is resolved when the condition is met regardless of the caster's consent. The contingency fails if a non-consumable reagent of either this spell or the other is ever lost.
6 - Freezing Snowball - Evocation, Frost
The caster materializes an unmelting ball of frost in their hand, which they may throw or give to another to do so. If it lands violently against a surface, the snowball explodes into a violent rimy wind that causes 10d6 Frost damage (half as much on a successful CON save.) If it strikes non-magical liquid, up to 30 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep freezes for 1 minute. A trapped creature can roll STR to get out.
6 - Sunblast - Evocation, Fire
The caster's hand begins to glow a bright sunlight orange that lights up a 30 foot radius area for up to 1 minute. They may use an action to blast a line of sunlight in a 5 foot wide beam that extends for 60 feet, forcing every creature caught within to roll CON or be blinded and take 6d8 Holy damage (successful save halves with no blind.) Undead and Abyssal creatures throw with disadvantage.
6 - Wall of Ice - Evocation, Frost
The caster causes a wall of packed ice 1 foot thick to erupt from a solidly fixed base of ground. The wall is composed of ten 10 x 10 foot "panels" that interlock tightly and must all be connected at all times. If the wall touches a creature at the time of its formation, the creature may roll AGI to jump away from being hit or enclosed within it. Or take 10d6 Frost damage (halved on a successful save.)
Being non-magical, the wall is prone to being damaged, and has 30 health points with vulnerability to fire. While it still stands, the caster can shape it into rough crenellations, battlements, windows, etc.
6 - Mind Prison - Illusion, Arcane
The caster forces a target to roll INT. On a failed save, the creature takes 5d10 Shadow damage and imagines themselves surrounded by mortal danger for up to 1 minute or until the caster loses concentration. The caster freely chooses what the target sees; a ring of fire, sharp spikes, a cavernous pit, etc. The target cannot hear anything outside their mental prison, and is frightened and frozen in place until the effect ends or they touch the boundaries, which causes 10d10 Shadow damage and ends the illusion.
6 - Programmed Illusion - Illusion, Arcane
This spell allows the caster to select an area which will activate the 3rd level spell major illusion when a specific condition occurs. It lasts until dispelled, and activates every time the condition is true.
6 - Danse Macabre - Necromancy, Shadow
This spell can only be cast at night. Using a 150 gp black onyx for each target, the caster forces the corpse of three human-sized humanoids to rise as ghouls under their control. The caster can command the ensuing ghouls using a bonus action, so long as they're within 120 feet. The caster maintains control over the creatures for up to 24 hours, at which point they become completely catatonic and disobedient. Re-casting the spell while the creatures still stand reasserts control rather than bringing forth new ones.
If cast at a higher slot level, this spell adds 1 more ghoul for each level above the 6th.
6 - Possess Container - Necromancy, Shadow
Using a gem, jar, lamp, reliquary or the like worth 500 gp or more, the caster can freeze their body standing and send their soul to the container. As an action, the contained caster may force a creature within 100 feet to roll CHA or swap places, trapping the victim's soul within and allowing the caster to possess the victim's body for up to 24 hours. The caster gains the STR, CON, DEX and AGI of the new body.
If the host body is killed, the creature's soul also perishes, and the caster's soul attempts to return to the jar; failing so due to distance or otherwise, the caster dies.
6 - Wave of Decay - Necromancy, Shadow
Using 500 gp worth of crushed black pearls as a focus, the caster causes a 120 foot wide sphere from a point of their choosing within range to radiate pure necrotic energy. Creatures within must roll CON or take 8d6 Shadow damage (half as much on a successful save.) If this spell is cast at a higher slot level, damage increases by +2d6 for each level above the 6th.
6 - Antimatter Beam - Transmutation, Arcane
A ray of pure glowing antimatter blasts forth from the caster's index finger to a target within range. The target can be a creature, object or any field of magic. If the target is a creature, it must make an AGI roll or take 40+10d6 typeless damage. If this attack kills the target, they and everything they wear and carry except for magical items is annihilated. The only way to bring back an annihilated creature is through true resurrection, divine intervention or a wish. At higher slot levels, this spell deals +3d6 more damage per tier.
6 - Conflagration - Transmutation, Fire
The caster's body bursts with flame that does not hurt them, lighting up a 30 foot radius for up to 10 minutes or until the caster loses concentration. Until the effect ends, the caster is completely immune to Fire damage and resistant to Frost damage, automatically deals 1d10 Fire damage to any nearby target, and can blast a 5 x 15 foot ray of flame that deals 4d8 Fire damage on a failed AGI save (half on success.)
6 - Conglaciation - Transmutation, Frost
The caster's body explodes with a roaring snowstorm for up to 10 minutes or until the caster loses concentration. Until the effect ends, the caster is completely immune to Frost damage and resistant to Fire damage, causes a 10 foot radius area around them to be difficult terrain, and can blast a 15 foot cone of blizzard that deals 4d6 Frost damage on a failed AGI save (half on success.)
6 - Create Homunculus - Transmutation, Nature/Life
By using a jeweled dagger worth 1,000gp, the caster cuts themselves, taking 2d4 typeless damage and dripping their own blood on a root of mandrake coated in clay. A tiny vermin-sized humanoid creature known as a "homunculus" comes to life, and is unquestioningly loyal to the caster. The caster can always see through the homunculus' eyes as well as their own effortlessly, and the homunculus can travel anywhere without restriction. The homunculus can use scrolls and potions, and wear 1 ring as a belt.
The caster's life essence is tied to the homunculus; if it dies, the caster dies. However, if the caster has more than 1 hit die, they can perform a ritual to grant one of their racial hit dice to the creature per day, losing it permanently. They can also perform the same ritual to take it back instead.
6 - Flesh to Stone - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster forces a target to roll CON or slowly begin to petrify over 1 minute. On a failed save, the target's AGI is dropped to 0 and they are incapacitated. Every turn, the victim can roll CON again, and if they succeed a total of three times the caster loses concentration. If the caster manages to maintain it for the entire duration, the target is turned to stone irreversibly unless greater restoration or wish is used.
6 - Pale Rapture - Transmutation, Nature/Air
The caster's body's surrounded by a tempest of violent razor winds for up to 10 minutes or until the caster loses concentration. Until the effect ends, the caster is resistant to ranged attacks, can fly at 60 feet per round, and can blast a 15 foot cube of wind in any location that deals 2d10 physical damage on a failed AGI save and pushes targets 10 feet away (half on success.)
6 - Tectonic Shell - Transmutation, Nature/Earth
The caster's body is surrounded by a craggy shell of rock for up to 10 minutes or until the caster loses concentration. Until the effect ends, the caster is resistant to all physical attacks, can move through solid stone effortlessly at their normal running speed and without destabilizing it (but cannot end a turn within or are ejected) and can generate 15 foot radius earthquakes that force targets to roll AGI or fall prone.