Mage Spells > Tier 8
8 - Antimagic Zone - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster is surrounded by a 10 foot radius area into which no magic of any kind will function. Spells dissipate, dismissed creatures are banished, and even magical items become mundane. The area is shaped like a dome of color and visibility of the caster's choice and will follow their movement.
8 - Fortress of the Mind - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster touches a willing target, rendering them completely immune to all kinds of psychic damage, fear, charm, and warded from any kind of mind-reading or divination. Not even the wish spell cna affect the target's mind or gain information about them.
8 - Maze - Conjuration, Arcane
The caster banishes a target they can see to a labyrinthine pocket dimension for up to 10 minutes so long as they maintain concentration. Each turn, the target can roll INT against DC 20 to attempt to escape, with minotaurs automatically succeeding the first time. If the target escapes or the effect ends, they reappear wherever they were initially abducted or in a nearby empty space.
8 - Pyrocumulus - Conjuration, Fire
The caster materializes an incendiary cloud 40 feet wide, initially as a sphere, which collapses and moves along with the ground in any direction at 10 feet per round, spreading around corners and pouring down openings. It lasts for up to 10 minutes provided the caster maintains concentration, or until any kind of strong wind disperses it. Every creature in the area becomes blinded to anything beyond its melee range, and must roll CON or take 10d8 Fire damage (successful save halves.)
8 - Concussion - Enchantment, Arcane
The caster attacks the mind of a chosen target with less than 150 health points, overwhelming it into being stunned. Each subsequent round, the target must roll CON to try to wake up, or it loses the ability to do anything.
8 - Flummox - Enchantment, Shadow
The caster blasts the mind of a creature they can see with psychic energy, dealing 4d6 Shadow damage and forcing them to roll INT or have their INT and CHA drop to 1. While flummoxed, the creature can't cast spells, use magical items, understand language or communicate coherently. It can, however, tell friend from foe, follow them around and protect them. This spell is permanent, but every 30 days the creature will attempt its saving throw again (using its old INT value). Greater Restoration, Cure and Wish also reverse the effect.
8 - Greater Mind Control - Enchantment, Arcane
The caster wriggles their fingers, forcing any kind of creature to roll WIS (at advantage if it's currently locked in combat) or become under total psychic control of the caster for up to 1 hour with concentration or until one of its new allies attacks it. The caster can focus on their victim in order to perform any action using its body. If this spell is cast at a higher level spell slot, it increases the duration to 8 hours at the 9th level.
8 - Earthquake - Evocation, Nature/Earth
The caster creates a seismic disturbance centered around a point they can see, causing a 200 foot wide area within to rumble violently and shake all creatures and structures. The ground becomes difficult terrain, and forces all creatures every round to roll CON or lose concentration, as well as roll AGI or fall down. A fissure opens somewhere randomly every round, roughly 10 feet long and 10 feet wide. If a creature is near a building or structure by a fissure, it collapses on them and they take 5d6 physical damage, burying them under the rubble unless they succeed a DC 20 Athletics save.
8 - Green Sun - Evocation, Arcane
The caster materializes a small fist-sized sphere within range. The sphere crackles with violent magical energy, causing the area within a 40 foot radius of it to be difficult terrain. No creature save those with truesight can see through the gravitational pull of the green sun, and no sound can pass through it, making it an area of silence. Any creature entering the area will take 8d10 typeless damage every turn (successful CON save halves) and be dragged 10 feet closer to the core on a failed save. If the creature touches the green sun, they are teleported to another random plane of existence.
8 - Midnight Calliope - Evocation, Shadow
The caster causes a 120 foot wide sphere of magical darkness to coalesce for up to 10 minutes or until the caster loses concentration. This darkness spreads around corners, and no being without truesight can see through it. All non-magical light from spells of lower tier cannot illuminate it.
Manic laughter, shrieking, chittering and slow carnival music can be heard within the sphere. Whenever a creature starts a turn inside, they take 8d8 psychic damage, halved by a successful WIS save.
8 - Ectobiological Clone - Necromancy, Nature/Life
By capturing the aura of a creature using another Divination spell into a diamond worth 1,000 gp and using a specialized container worth 2,000 gp, the caster grows a soulless flesh duplicate of a currently living creature as a safeguard against death. This clone grows to full maturity after 120 days, and can be any age the caster wants by the time it's ready. If the original creature dies at any point after the clone's maturation, their soul awakens in the naked clone at the same level of experience.
8 - Septic Shock - Necromancy, Nature/Toxin
The caster selects a 30 foot wide area within range, forcing each creature caught within to roll CON or be stricken with violent bacterial infection. Constructs and undead are not affected. Targets take 12d8 Nature/Toxin damage, halved on a successful save.
8 - Soultrap - Necromancy, Shadow
Using a crystal worth 1,000 gp per rank or level of the target that had Maze cast upon it, the caster can force a living victim to roll WIS or be trapped within, or force a dying creature with no WIS roll. The resulting soulgem can be used as a substitute reagent for any spell of tier 8 or lower, or it can be used in powerful enchantments. The caster may also speak into the soulgem, causing the victim to hear their voice boom across the maze. If the crystal is shattered by the presence of its old body, it is resurrected. If there is no body, it passes away.