Mage Spells > Tier 9
9 - Greater Imprisonment - Abjuration, Arcane
Using a small vellum depiction of the target, the caster forces them to roll WIS or be magically frozen in spacetime. If the target succeeds its roll, it can't be targeted again for 24 hours. If it fails, the caster may select one of the following follow-ups:
- The victim is encased in an unbreakable crystal that shoots far underground.
- The victim is gripped by unbreakable mystical chains that keep it restrained.
- The victim is banished to an infinite maze prison warded against teleportation.
- The victim falls asleep and cannot be awoken by any effect except a tier 9 dispel.
The caster must set a condition which will cause it to eventually awaken. The condition can be anything which occurs within 1 mile of the target, such as the passage of a number of years, a specific spell being cast, or the presence of a specific creature. The target is also awoken early if they take damage.
9 - Quantum Immortality - Abjuration, Arcane
By maintaining concentration for up to 10 minutes, the caster scans all realities in which they are attacked and repeatedly shifts into timelines where they have miraculously managed to evade all damage every time. They are immune to all damage and are immortal until the end of this spell's duration.
9 - Planar Gate - Conjuration, Arcane
By using a diamond worth at least 5,000 gp, the caster summons forth a 20 foot gate to a plane of existence they can think of, within the vicinity of a being of great power. The being is compelled to walk in through the gate, but their ensuing reaction is completely up to them. Typically, calling powerful beings for trifling matters results in a negative reaction, while an allied caster beseeching them for aid in an urgent matter of appropriate magnitude will result in an extraordinarily powerful ally. At the end of the effect, the being may or may not demand compensation, depending on the circumstance.
9 - Wish - Conjuration, Arcane
The caster speaks one wish out loud, making it come true. The effect may be the casting of any spell, whatsoever, without any requirement, or the total curing, healing and restoration of up to 20 creatures as well as granting them immunity from any chosen spell or element until their next rest period. The wish may also be used to undo any event; revert a roll and force it to be guaranteed to fail or succeed, which might cause a butterfly effect. Finally, the wish may be used to grant the caster any non-magical object of up to 300 feet in size. Each character is only allowed a maximum of 3 wishes across their lifetime.
The caster must be wary, as the cosmos often has a way of bending the desires of mortals to less than agreeable outcomes.
9 - Bifurcate Vision - Divination, Arcane
The caster touches a target for up to 1 minute, granting them the ability to sense the day of their own death instinctively for up to 8 hours. They can no longer be surprised, gain advantage on all rolls, and every attack against them has disadvantage. This spell does not require concentration.
9 - Lunatic Shriek - Enchantment, Shadow
The caster unleashes the power of their mind to blast up to ten creatures of their choice within 90 feet. Each target is forced to roll INT to take 14d6 damage and be stunned and must roll INT every turn to wake up. (save halves damage with no stun effect.) If a target with a head is killed by this effect, it explodes.
9 - Writ of Fate: Death - Enchantment, Shadow
The caster utters a secret word tied to the metaphysical nature of the death of the cosmos which immediately kills any target with 100 health points or less.
9 - Event Horizon - Evocation, Shadow
The caster rips a 40 foot wide tear through spacetime for up to 1 minute provided they maintain concentration. For the spell's duration, the rip and a 100 foot radius area surrounding it are difficult terrain, and any non-magical objects that fall into it are annihilated. Every ensuing turn after the cast, unsecured creatures and objects within 100 feet of the event horizon are pulled into it, provided the creatures fail a STR save. A creature that touches the sphere takes 5d10 Shadow damage and if killed, disappears from existence. If the sphere is in the air, creatures will float through the air toward it.
9 - Reckoning - Evocation, Fire
The caster rips open several portals to the Plane of Fire, causing four different 80 foot wide meteors to come crashing from the sky to points of the caster's choosing. Any target caught in the blasts takes 40d6 damage equally divided among Fire and physical (successful AGI save halves both.) Any area can only be targeted by one meteor at a time. The ensuing fire burns all flammable objects not worn or carried.
9 - Bedlam - Illusion, Arcane
The caster selects a 60 foot wide area in which all creatures must roll WIS or begin to see their worst, most debilitating fears. They may roll WIS again for each turn and, on a failed save, they surrender to total dementia, taking 4d10 Shadow damage and falling into a fetal position on the ground. This effect lasts for up to 1 minute per victim, until the victim succeeds a WIS save, or until the caster loses concentration.
9 - Astral Projection - Necromancy, Arcane
By tying themselves and willing creatures in 1,000 gp of spun adamantine yarn each, the caster and their allies can slip their bodies into a suspended animation that requires no sustenance and project themselves into the Astral Sea. This infinite stretch of colorful interstellar nebulae separates the Light from the Abyss and within it are contained bubbles which lead to all the planes. The initial ritual takes 1 hour to perform, and allows creatures to project indefinitely until they return or a dispel is cast.
An intangible spirit thread extends from behind the necks of each participant, visible for 1 foot and then disappearing into invisibility. Nothing can tear it save for effects that are openly stated to be able to, but if severed, the creature's soul and body are separated and they die.
The creatures' astral bodies are identical to their physical bodies, including anything they were wearing and carrying at the time of their projection. They can travel across space and through shortcut portals set up and used by interstellar beings. If a projected creature swims back to the material plane or dies while in the Astral Sea, they reawake as if from a bad dream. If they swim to a planar bubble foreign to the one they projected in, their real body is teleported all the way across the spirit thread to their destination plane, merging with their soul, and they fall from the sky into that plane.
9 - Alchemize - Transmutation, Arcane
This spell is identical to the 4th rank spell polymorph, except it can also turn static objects into living creatures of any kind, living creatures into objects (with a WIS roll if unwilling) and any non-magical object another non-magical object of up to double the standard gold value.
9 - Mass Polymorph - Transmutation, Arcane
This spell is identical to the 4th rank spell polymorph, except it can target up to 10 creatures within sight of the caster, each individually rolling WIS.
9 - Shapeshift - Transmutation, Arcane
After wearing a jade circlet worth 1,500 gp, the caster's body morphs into any creature they have seen before of any shape or size for up to 1 hour provided they can maintain concentration for the duration.
Their STR, CON, DEX and AGI attributes and health points change to match their new forms, preserving their mind and personality. The caster willingly chooses which of their equipment remains on them and which melds into their new form harmlessly. They can use any ability their new form can use naturally while also maintaining magical effects of their old form, and can only speak and cast spells if their new form can naturally do so. If their health points drop to 0 or they die, they revert to their original form.
9 - Time Stop - Transmutation, Arcane
The caster briefly stops the flow of time for everyone but themself. The rest of the world is frozen from the perspective of the caster for 1+1d4 turns, during which they can use actions and move as normal. Any magical spell besides ones that directly target the caster are delayed until time returns. Additionally, this spell is interrupted prematurely if the caster moves more than 1,000 feet in any direction.