Priest Miracles > Tier II
2 - Fortify - Abjuration, Holy
The caster increases the maximum health value of a target they can touch by 5, plus another 5 per slot level this miracle is cast in above the 2nd.
2 - Lesser Restoration - Abjuration, Holy OR Nature/Life
The caster touches a creature, relieving it of one disease, loss of sense, paralysis or poison.
2 - Pass Without Trace - Abjuration, Nature
Using the ashes of a burnt leaf of mistletoe, the caster grants themselves and their allies a +10 bonus to Hide, and makes it so they cannot be tracked unless by magical means for 1 hour.
2 - Protection from Poison - Abjuration, Holy OR Nature/Life
The caster touches a creature, curing the effect of poisoning, and granting them advantage on saving throws against Nature/Toxin spells, poison in general, and resistance on poison damage for 1 hour.
2 - Augury* - Divination, Arcane
By rolling bones, using playing cards or opening the entrails of a bird, the caster receives a psychic omen as to whether an action taken in the next 30 minutes will carry great reward or tragedy. The miracle may be cast at a higher slot level, increasing the time limit to 2 hours (3), the end of the day (3) the ensuing day (4) a week (5) a month (6), a year (7) or the end of the campaign (8). This miracle does not account for a sudden change of fortune.
2 - Beast Sense* - Divination, Nature/Life
The caster touches an animal, losing their own senses and shifting to seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling the world through its senses. This effect lasts up to one hour.
2 - Sense Animal or Plant* - Divination, Nature/Life
The caster mentally scans their surroundings within 5 miles for the trace of any animal or plant of a certain kind. If found, the miracle tells them its general location within 100 feet.
2 - Sense Trap - Divination, Arcane
The caster mentally scans their surroundings within 30 feet for any potential contraption that might cause harm or set off a signal if interacted with. The caster does not learn the location of this trap, only knowing if it exists and the consequence to setting it off.
2 - Animal Messenger* - Enchantment, Nature/Life
The caster holds a small animal they can see and instructs it to travel somewhere and find a person using a general physical description. Once it finds them, the critter delivers a message spoken by the caster in their voice. If it cannot find them within 1 day (for each slot), it returns to where the spell was cast.
2 - Calm Emotions - Enchantment, Holy
The caster forces all targets within a 30 foot area they can see to magically come down from any kind of fear, anxiety, anger or mania, and become completely apathetic for up to one minute. Resisting targets must roll CHA to resist a Holy spell, though they can choose to accept the effect.
2 - Lesser Hold - Enchantment, Frost
The caster forces a chosen target to roll WIS or be paralyzed completely for up to one minute or until the caster loses concentration. This spell can be cast at higher slot levels, targeting 1 more person per slot level above the 2nd.
2 - Zone of Truth - Enchantment, Holy
The caster compels anyone within 20 feet of themselves to roll CHA or have to speak the absolute truth and answer any question without hesitation for up to ten minutes. On a failed save, the target can withhold the truth or refuse to answer, but they still cannot lie.
2 - Flame Sword - Evocation, Nature/Fire
As a bonus action, the caster causes a scimitar of fire to erupt from their hand which does not hurt them. They can use it as a normal weapon, attacking with it on their main action for 3d6 Fire damage. This spell can be cast at the 4th level or higher, granting it an extra +1d6 damage for each 2 slot levels.
2 - Gust of Wind - Evocation, Nature/Air
Also colloquially known as "windy thing". For up to one minute, the caster can force a strong gust of wind 10 feet wind to blast in any direction, throwing creatures that fail a STR check on their back and 15 feet away. The area is considered difficult terrain until the end of the effect. This gust extinguishes natural fires of any kind. As a bonus action, the caster can change the wind's direction.
2 - Moonfire - Evocation, Fire
The caster causes a beam of flaming moonlight to fill a 5 foot radius cylinder that extends up to 40 feet in the air for up to 1 minute, forcing every creature within to roll for CON or take 2d10 Holy damage (+1d10 for each slot level above 2nd) and half that much on a successful save. This spell immediately reverts shapechangers to their true form and causes them to roll with disadvantage on everything.
2 - Spirit Flame - Evocation, Fire
The caster causes a burst of torch-like flame to spring forth, which does not harm anything it touches and cannot be extinguished until dispelled or dismissed by the caster. It lasts for up to 1 hour, or until the caster loses concentration
2 - Spiritual Weapon - Evocation, Holy
The caster causes a floating spectral weapon to erupt in the sky above them. They can spend an action to use it as a normal weapon, directing it to fly to an enemy within 30 feet and attacking for 1d8 + the caster's WIS modifier in Holy damage. This spell can be cast at the 4th level or higher, granting it an extra +1d8 damage for each 2 slot levels.
2 - Silence* - Illusion, Holy
The caster drapes a 20 foot sphere in range in a supernatural veil of total silence for up to 10 minutes. All creatures inside become immune to Nature/Air damage, cease being able to hear anything, and fail casting any spell that requires a verbal component.
2 - Gentle Repose* - Necromancy, Holy
The caster touches a recently diseased corpse, placing one cheap piece of currency on each of the corpse's eyes and sprinkling salt over it while chanting. For up to 10 days, the corpse is protected from undeath or decay, halting its timer for the purpose of calculating the possibility of resurrection.
2 - Sensory Loss - Necromancy, Shadow
The caster forces a target they can see to roll CON to resist or be blinded or deafened (up to the caster) for up to one minute. At the end of each turn, the victim can roll CON to break out of the effect. If cast at a higher slot level, this spell can target one more creature for each level above the 2nd.
2 - Transfer Life - Necromancy, Nature/Life
The caster chooses a 10 foot radius area in which every target must roll CON or take 2d6 + 1d6 for each slot above the 2nd this spell is cast in as Shadow damage (half on a successful save). Plants in that area wither. They can use the energy taken to restore an amount of health to another target of their choice equal to their natural racial hit die + the caster's WIS multiplied by the spell slot level.
2 - Barkskin - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster touches a target while holding a small piece of tree bark, causing a layer of the same material to grow on top of their skin over 3 rounds. This material fuses with their clothing, yet unlike the lesser version of the spell does not immobilize them. It absorbs 5 points of damage at a time, and lasts 1 round per level of the caster. The bark falls off at the end or if dispelled.
2 - Darkvision - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster touches a willing creature, altering the biology of their sight to grant them the ability to see in total darkness up to 60 feet.
2 - Heat Metal - Transmutation, Nature/Earth
The caster momentarily increases the temperature of a humanoid volume of conductive metal until it glows red hot, causing any creature touching it or clad in it to suffer 2d8 + 1d8 for each slot level above the 2nd in Fire damage. If it is merely holding it, it must succeed a CON save or drop it, otherwise it has disadvantage on everything on its next turn.
2 - Render Earthbound - Transmutation, Nature/Earth
The caster reaches for a creature within range with the intent to bring them down. The creature must roll for STR to resist the magical effect, or it becomes incapable of flight or jumping. If they are airborne, they slowly descend safely at 60 feet per round until grounded or the spell ends.