Priest Miracles > Tier III
3 - Dispel Magic - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster chooses one object, creature or ongoing magical effect. Any spell cast at 3rd slot level or lower immediately ends. This can be cast at a higher slot level, but the dispeller must then roll INT vs DC 10 + the spell's level.
3 - Divine Circle - Abjuration, Holy
Using holy water blessed by a Priest and a mixture of powdered silver and iron worth 100gp, the caster traces a circle which contains a 10 foot radius and 20 foot tall cylinder from the floor. The caster then chooses one or more kinds of specific supernatural creatures such as angels, demons, the undead, etc. If any of these creatures come into contact with the circle, they recoil instinctively. They can never enter the circle, have disadvantage on attacks that reach into the circle, and cannot mind-addle any creature within.
3 - Divine Glyph - Abjuration, Holy
Using incense and powdered diamond worth 200gp, the caster inscribes a mystical rune on a chosen surface which activates on touch or by proximity, causing another prepared spell of spell slot level 3 or lower to go off. The glyph is invisible to beings without truesight, unless they cast See Invisible.
3 - Hope - Abjuration, Holy
Any number of targets visible to the caster are infused with hope for 1 minute, gaining advantage on any WIS rolls and, if healed, gain the maximum number of health points.
3 - Protection from Element - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster gains resistance to one chosen type of magical damage for up to 1 hour. If cast at the 4th level, this spell can protect a chosen willing target.
3 - Remove Curse - Abjuration, Holy
The caster touches a cursed creature or item, nullifying the curse. If they are a creature, the curse is completely gone. If the target is an item the curse remains, but its attunement to its holder ceases, allowing it to be completely removed or discarded.
3 - Call Storm - Conjuration, Nature/Air
If there is enough space, a storm cloud suspended 10 feet in the air covers a 120 foot area chosen by the caster and lingers for 10 minutes. For every ensuing turn until the end of the effect, the caster may spend a main action to call a lightning strike at any point, forcing all creatures to roll AGI or take 3d10 Nature/Air damage (successful save halves). If the area was already stormy, damage is increased by +1d10. This spell can be cast at a higher slot level, further adding +1d10 damage for each level above 3rd.
3 - Conjure Animals - Conjuration, Nature/Air
The caster summons spirits in the form of animals which appear in an unoccupied space the caster can see within 60 feet that's large enough to accommodate them for 1 hour. All the summoned creatures are friendly to the caster and their companions, and can be commanded on their turn. They will naturally defend themselves, and disappear at 0 health points. The choices are as follows:
- One predatory animal the size of a bear or larger
- Two predatory animals the size of a big cat
- Four animals the size of a crocodile or ungulate herbivores
- Eight animals the size of a dog or smaller
The spell can be cast at a higher slot level, doubling the number of summoned creatures on the 5th level, tripling it on the 7th and quadrupling it on the 9th.
3 - Conjure Tide - Conjuration, Nature/Water
The caster summons a violent wave of water that rises 10 feet in the air and 10 feet wide and crashes into any targets in a 30 foot straight line from a starting point of the caster's choice. All targets caught within must roll AGI or be knocked prone and take 4d8 physical damage. The wave snuffs out all fires it touches and vanishes after it settles or the caster loses concentration.
3 - Create Sustenance - Conjuration, Holy
Enough food and water to sustain up to 15 average humanoids or 5 mounts for a day is conjured on the ground before the caster. The food is bland but nutritious, however it spoils after 24 hours.
3 - Rain Sleet - Conjuration, Nature/Water
Freezing rain blankets a 80 foot area of the caster's choosing, which douses all flames and covers the ground in slick ice. The area becomes difficult to cross, and any creatures that end a turn within must roll AGI against the spell or fall to the ground helplessly and lose a turn. This spell also attempts to break the concentration of casters within, forcing them to roll CON.
3 - Spirit Guardians - Conjuration, Holy
Spirits of the caster's alignment surround them at a range of 15 feet. A Bishop is surrounded by golden spirits, a Warsage is surrounded by red Draconic ghosts, and a Cultist is surrounded by writhing black tentacles. Any creatures with ill intent toward the caster that enter the area must roll WIS or have their speed halved and take 3d8 damage. The damage is Holy, Fire or Shadow respectively. A successful save halves damage. If cast at a higher slot level, the damage increases by +1d8 for each level above the 3rd.
3 - Clairvoyance - Divination, Holy
By focusing on a small glass eye, the caster can redirect their vision to a ghostly sensor somewhere they have been before or somewhere they can easily describe (behind a specific door, in a certain grove of trees) that's up to 1 mile away, for up to 10 minutes at a time. The sensor is a ghostly and untouchable fist-sized eye that floats in the target location and cannot be seen or interacted with except by creatures with See Invisible or truesight.
3 - Tongues - Divination, Holy
The caster chooses one target, and grants them the ability to comprehend any language they hear, and to be understood by anyone who speaks at least one language for one hour.
3 - Friendship - Enchantment, Shadow
The target a caster can touch will roll a WIS save or obey the next friendly command presented to it.
3 - Daylight - Evocation, Fire
A specific point or object touched by the caster radiates a 120 foot range of appropriately colored daylight, and dim twilight for another 60 feet in every direction for up to 1 hour.
3 - Prayer of Healing - Evocation, Holy OR Nature/Life
This miracle requires the caster to select up to 6 targets and focus on chanting for ten minutes, during which they can take no other action, as such it cannot be cast in the din of combat. It causes the targets to restore health points equal to 2d8 + 1d8 for each slot above the 2nd this miracle is cast in. Druids may add their WIS modifier to the die. This miracle has no effect on constructs or the undead.
3 - Send Message - Evocation, Holy
Sends a 25 word message or less to any creature the caster knows, who recognizes their identity instantly.
3 - Windwall - Evocation, Nature/Air
A highly concentrated gust of wind blasts up from the ground up to 50 feet across and 15 feet high which lasts for up to one minute. Any creature within must roll STR or take 3d8 physical damage. Gaseous creatures, other gasses, non-siege projectiles and small creatures cannot cross the wall.
3 - Mass Hysteria - Illusion, Arcane
Causes every creature in a 30 foot cone in front of the caster to see their worst fear manifest in front of them, and have to roll WIS or drop their weapon and run away in fear for up to 1 minute. Creatures may roll WIS every round to break out of the effect.
3 - Animate Dead - Necromancy, Shadow
The caster commands a pile of bones or a corpse to rise into a skeleton or a zombie respectively. The caster can then use their bonus turn to assign any command to the creature, such as a direct verbal command or a complex task like guarding a location, otherwise the creature will only defend itself. This spell lasts for 24 hours, at which point the caster loses control of the creature, and must cast it again.
This spell can be cast at a higher slot level, creating 2 more undead servants per slot level above the 3rd it is cast in.
3 - Curse - Necromancy, Holy
The caster touches a creature, cursing them for 1 minute or until they lose concentration. The victim must make a WIS saving throw or have disadvantage on everything until the effect ends and take an extra +1d8 Shadow damage from all sources. They also have to roll for WIS every combat turn or waste the round in catatonic stupor. This spell can be cast at a higher slot level to extend the duration:
4th: 10 minutes, with concentration.
5th: 8 hours, without concentration
7th: 24 hours, without concentration
9th: permanent until dispelled, without concentration
3 - Feign Death - Necromancy, Nature/Life
A willing creature touched by the caster falls into a state of torpor that's completely indistinguishable from death, whether by physical or magical means. The target is blind and unable to move for up to 1 hour or until they gather the willpower to shake themselves awake. They have resistance to every form of damage while feigning death and if poisoned or sickened do not suffer any effects until they wake up.
3 - Speak With Dead - Necromancy, Holy
Using 200 gp of expensive incense, the caster conducts a seance that lasts for 4 hours with the purpose of speaking with the corpse of the departed. The corpse speaks telepathically and can recall its former memories, but is a soulless automaton separate from the actual spirit that once inhabited it. Its answers are always cryptic, vague and unreliable, but may be used to gleam together a vague understanding of how it died and past memories it had. If the deceased was once hostile to the caster or otherwise apprehensive, their corpse can refuse to answer outright.
3 - Transfer Life - Necromancy, Holy
The caster takes an unmitigable 4d8 in Shadow damage, restoring that much to another creature they can see one turn later. If cast at a higher slot level, this spell adds +1d8 for every level above the 3rd.
3 - Speak With Plants - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster imbues plants within 30 feet with the ability to speak and follow simple commands. The plants remember things that happened up to yesterday, and can move to turn difficult terrain such as thickets or bushy growths into normal terrain or the opposite for the duration. The spell lasts for 10 minutes.
3 - Stonemeld* - Transmutation, Holy OR Nature/Earth
Using a stone or stone-like construct large enough to contain their body, the caster walks in as if into a waterfall, disappearing into the stone. While inside, they can't see anything but can hear things going on by rolling the Listen skill with disadvantage. Damage to the stone cannot hurt the caster, but breaking it in a way that exposes the caster's body expels them and deals 6d6 damage to them, dropping them prone.
3 - Water Breathing* - Transmutation, Nature/Water
The caster grants up to 10 creatures the ability to breathe underwater for 24 hours.
3 - Water Walking* - Transmutation, Nature/Water
The caster grants up to 10 willing creatures the ability to walk across any liquid or semi-liquid of any kind as if it was harmless solid ground (although lava will still cause heat damage) for up to 1 hour. If a target is submerged in liquid, this spell brings them up to the surface at a rate of 60 feet per round.
3 - Wild Growth - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster may use this spell after one round of chanting to hasten the growth of plant life in a 100 foot radius, turning the area into extra difficult terrain (double the penalty of difficult terrain). The caster can visualize a path through the growth which opens up by their command to them and their allies.
If the caster keeps casting this spell for 8 hours, all plant life in a half mile radius becomes enriched, and fruitful plants yield at twice their normal biological rate for one year.