Priest Miracles > Tier IV
4 - Aura of Hope - Abjuration, Holy
A circle of gold glows in a 30 foot radius around the caster for up to 10 minutes or until they lose concentration on the spell. The aura follows the caster, and grants all creatures with no hostile intent toward them resistance to Shadow damage, as well as a 1 health point if they are at 0 or below.
4 - Aura of Purity - Abjuration, Holy
A circle of gold glows in a 30 foot radius around the caster for up to 10 minutes or until they lose concentration on the spell. The aura follows the caster, and grants all creatures with no hostile intent toward them immunity to disease, resistance to poison and advantage against all mind-addling effects.
4 - Banish - Abjuration, Holy
The caster concentrates on a target they can see, sending them to the Shadow Realm (or to the Ethereal Plane if evil-aligned) where they can harm no one. If the victim is an extraplanar creature, they immediately return to their home plane. If the caster breaks concentration before the effect ends, the target returns. If cast at a higher slot level, this spell targets 1 more creature per slot level above the 4th.
4 - Freedom - Abjuration, Holy
The caster touches a willing target, granting them the ability to ignore difficult terrain, the density of water, as well as all magical effects that reduce speed or induce paralysis or restraint. The target can spend bonus actions breaking free from restraints of any kind of grapple. This effect lasts for 1 hour.
4 - Soul Ward - Abjuration, Holy
The caster touches a willing target, securing its soul to its body. The next time the target is dropped to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage, they're returned to 1 health point and the spell ends. If they're attacked by an instant death spell while warded, the effect is negated and the ward dissipates. This effect lasts for up to a maximum of 8 hours
4 - Stoneskin - Abjuration, Nature/Earth
Using diamond dust worth 100 gp, the caster turns the skin of the target into flexible stone. They can move freely but gain resistance to all kinds of physical damage.
4 - Conjure Lesser Elemental - Conjuration, Nature
The caster summons minor elemental spirits which appear in an unoccupied space the caster can see within 60 feet that's large enough to accommodate them for 1 hour. All the summoned creatures are friendly to the caster and their companions, and can be commanded on their turn. They will naturally defend themselves, and disappear at 0 health points. The choices are as follows:
- One human-sized elemental
- Two elemental pseudo-animals dog-sized or smaller
- Four small elemental imps
- Eight small elemental vermin
The spell can be cast at a higher slot level, doubling the number of summoned creatures on the 5th level, tripling it on the 7th and quadrupling it on the 9th.
4 - Conjure Nature Protector - Conjuration, Nature
The caster summons a creature from the Fey which appears in an unoccupied space the caster can see within 60 feet that's large enough to accommodate them for 1 hour. All the summoned creatures are friendly to the caster and their companions, and can be commanded on their turn. They will naturally defend themselves, and disappear at 0 health points. The choices are as follows:
- One Naiad or Satyr Warrior
- Two Dryads or Quicklings
- Four regular Satyrs
- Eight Pixies or Blink Dogs
The spell can be cast at a higher slot level, doubling the number of summoned creatures on the 5th level, tripling it on the 7th and quadrupling it on the 9th.
4 - Grasping Roots - Conjuration, Nature/Life
A large root sprouts from the ground in a space the caster can see within 30 feet of them. The root can quickly swell and oil around a creature of the caster's choice, which is forced to roll AGI or be pulled 20 feet per round toward the original point the caster chose for the root to come out of. For the next minute, the caster can maintain concentration and use bonus actions to command more roots nearby to lash out at other creatures or the same creature.
4 - Find Creature - Divination, Arcane
The caster thinks of a creature familiar to them in their mind's eye. They can sense the direction of the creature's location as long as it is within 1 mile. If the creature is moving, the caster can sense the direction and speed. If the creature is polymorphed, it is immune from detection. If a body of water at least 10 feet in thickness comes between the caster and their target, the spell fails to detect them.
4 - Charm Creature - Enchantment, Arcane
The caster wriggles their fingers, forcing a creature to roll WIS (at advantage if it's currently locked in combat) or be charmed for up to 1 hour with concentration or until one of its new allies attacks it. A charmed creature is friendly to the caster, but at the end of the spell remembers everything. If this spell is cast at a higher level spell slot, it can target one more character pet slot level above the 4th.
4 - Confusion - Enchantment, Nature/Air
The caster blasts the minds of every creature in a 10 foot radius, causing temporary concussions if they fail WIS saves. Confused creatures cannot perform reactions, and roll a d6 every round to determine their next action, after which they can try to roll WIS again to attempt to snap awake:
1-3: Nothing
4-5: The creature rolls a d8 and moves in the ensuing cardinal direction
6: The creature attacks a random target within reach if any is present.
4 - Control Beast - Enchantment, Nature/Life
The caster wriggles their fingers, forcing an animal to roll WIS (at advantage if it's currently locked in combat) or become under total psychic control of the caster for up to 1 minute with concentration or until one of its new allies attacks it. The caster can make their victim perform any action using its body. If this spell is cast at a higher spell level, it increases the duration to 10 minutes at 5, 1 hour at 6, and 8 hours at 7.
4 - Ball Lightning - Evocation, Nature/Air
The caster forms a flying ball of electricity that lingers in the air for up to 1 minute as long as they maintain concentration. The ball spins, forming a sphere of dark wind around it, causing a space of 40 feet in diameter around it to become difficult terrain and forcing creatures within to roll STR or take 2d6 physical damage per turn. Every turn until the end of the effect, the caster may spend a bonus action to cause the ball to strike a nearby victim within the sphere for 4d6 Nature/Air damage. If this spell is cast at a higher slot level, damage increases by +1d6 for each slot level above the 4th.
4 - Hailstorm - Evocation, Nature
The caster covers a 40 foot wide area in rumbling storm clouds that proceed to rain rock-like balls of hail on every creature within. Victims must roll AGI or take 3d6 physical and 3d6 Frost damage per turn with successful saves reducing the damage by half. Terrain within is difficult until the caster's next turn. If cast at a higher slot level, the physical damage is increased by +1d6 for each level above the 4th.
4 - Thermal Shield - Evocation, Nature
The caster summons a globe of flames or icy wind (their choice) that whirls violently around them for up to 10 minutes or until dismissed. Fire grants the caster resistance to Frost and vice versa. Whenever a creature attacks the caster in melee, the shield explodes dealing 2d8 damage of the appropriate element.
4 - Wall of Fire - Evocation, Nature
The caster selects a stretch of ground that extends up to 20 feet in any shape, causing a burst of flame to erupt up to 20 feet in the air, forming a barrier 1 foot thick. The wall is opaque, and lasts for up to 1 minute provided the caster maintains concentration. The caster can select any side of the wall to blast any creatures within 10 feet of it with 5d8 Fire damage (half as much on a successful AGI save.) If this spell is cast at a higher skill slot level, damage increases by +1d8 for each level above the 4th.
4 - Lesser Mirage - Illusion, Nature
After chanting for 10 minutes, the caster chooses a 150 foot stretch of ground to distort into the look, smell and sound of a different kind of terrain. With this spell, a pond can be made to look like a stretch of grass, or a dune can be made to look like an oasis. Manufactured structures and objects aren't affected. Creatures that walk into the distorted area immediately uncover the ruse, seeing the original form of the terrain superimposed under the phantasm. This spell lasts for up to 24 hours after casting.
4 - Dessicate - Necromancy, Nature/Life
The caster saps moisture from a target, dealing 6d8 Shadow damage (half as much on a CON save.) If cast at a higher slot level, damage increases by +1d8 for each level above 4th.
4 - Control Earth - Transmutation, Holy OR Nature/Earth
The caster gains control of a mass of stone up to a 100 foot cube for up to 10 minutes provided the caster maintains concentration. As an action, the caster may reshape the rock or wall or the like to reshape, like changing its appearance or shaping into a doorway or an alcove. This spell allows the caster to form rock contraptions, though no more complex than something like a hinge or a latch.
4 - Control Water - Transmutation, Nature/Water
The caster gains control of any body of water up to a 100 foot cube for up to 10 minutes provided the caster maintains concentration. As an action, the caster may perform actions like raise its level by 20 feet (flooding any shore if needed), gather an enormous crashing wave up to 20 foot tall, part it for the rest of the duration, redirect its flow in any direction, or cause it to whirlpool into a sucking vortex.
4 - Enlarge Vermin - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster selects up to 10 bugs, 3 spiders, 5 wasps or 1 scorpion or rodent to grow into their giant forms (see bestiary) for up to 10 minutes provided the caster maintains concentration. The ensuing creature follows all verbal commands, but must be directed by spending an action.
4 - Polymorph - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster forces a living or undead creature that isn't a shapechanger to roll WIS or contort into the shape of a creature of equal level or weaker. This effect lasts for up to 1 hour provided the caster maintains concentration. All the equipment snugly worn by the creature melds into its new form. It retains its alignment and personality, but all its stats including mental change to that of its new form. It loses or gains the ability to speak, use limbs, fly, breathe fire, etc. and reverts to its original form once it reaches 0 hit points or dies.