Priest Miracles > Tier V
5 - Anti-life Barrier - Abjuration, Nature/Life
The caster forms a 20 foot diameter shell of pure magic around them for up to 1 hour provided they maintain concentration. It keeps all living creatures, meaning all beings except constructs and the undead, from entering the barrier or leaving it. Creatures can attack through the barrier or cast spells. If the caster forces it to push up against a trapped creature, it pops.
5 - Bind Extraplanar - Abjuration, Arcane
The caster chooses a planar or divine creature they can see, and by using a jewel worth at least 1,000 (which is consumed), they may force it to roll CHA or be shackled into servitude for 24 hours. The creature feels compelled to follow any instructions given to it by the caster and follow them, but if it is hostile it will attempt to twist words and nitpick. If this spell is cast at a higher spell level, the spell's duration is extended to 10 days at 6th, 30 days at 7, 6 months at 8, and a year and a day at 9.
5 - Dispel Good and Evil - Abjuration, Holy
Also known as Exorcism. Using holy water, the caster can touch a being stricken with fear, confused or possessed by a non-neutral extraplanar creature and cure them of the effect. This spell may also be used on a non-neutral extraplanar creature to force them to roll CHA or be banished back to their home plane.
5 - Greater Restoration - Abjuration, Holy OR Nature/Life
The caster sprinkles a creature with 100 gp of diamond dust, relieving it of being charmed, petrified or cursed, or of any effect that causes a reduction in attribute scores or hit point maximum.
5 - Conjure Elemental - Conjuration, Nature
By using burnt incense, a lump of soft clay, a handful of sulfur or a handful of water, the caster may conjure a large rank 5 elemental creature about 10 feet tall. The elemental is initially servile and obedient to the caster and their companions, and performs their own initiative roll. The spell lasts up to 1 hour.
At the end of the effect or before it, the caster must consciously dismiss the elemental. If their concentration is otherwise broken the elemental creature breaks out of control and turns on their master, becoming hostile toward them and their companions. An uncontrolled elemental can no longer be peacefully dismissed, but will dissipate after the hour is over.
This spell can be cast at slot level 7 to summon a Greater Elemental, or at slot level 8 to summon a Dao, Djinni, Ifrit or Marid, or 9 to summon an Elder Elemental.
5 - Locust Swarm - Conjuration, Holy OR Nature/Life
A great wind brings a swarm of biting locusts in a sphere roughly 40 feet in diameter to a point of the caster's choosing. The swarm whirls around for up to 10 minutes provided the caster maintains concentration, causing every creature in the area to roll CON or be blinded and take 4d10 physical damage (successful save halves) at the end of each turn. If this spell is cast at a higher slot level, damage increases by +1d10 for each spell slot level above the 5th.
5 - Summon Extraplanar Servant - Conjuration, Holy
By lighting incense and chanting, the caster summons forth a lesser divine servant appropriate to their alignment. Bishops summon a Skysquire, Cultists summon a Demon of their choosing, and Warsages summon a Draconic Spirit, all at rank 3. The servant is friendly to the caster and their companions, and will obey any telepathically issued command, which does not take a turn to convey. This effect lasts up to 1 hour or until the servant dies.
5 - Tree Stride - Conjuration, Nature/Life
The caster gains the ability to enter trees for up to 1 minute so long as they maintain concentration. As long as the effect lasts, they may meld into any tree and immediately sense the presence of other trees of the same type within 500 feet. The tree's trunk must be large enough to accommodate the caster's body. Entering a tree or jumping to another takes 1 round, and at the end of their turn the caster is expelled.
5 - Commune With Divine* - Divination, Holy
Using incense and a holy idol, the caster begins a seance that, after 1 hour, allows the caster to speak to their deity and ask them 3 "yes or no" questions. Deities aren't omniscient, and if communed with more than once a week tend to get fussy and capricious.
5 - Commune With Nature* - Divination, Nature
The caster becomes one with their surrounding territory, falling into a psychic trance that allows them to speak to the various spirits of nature. The spirits grant the caster knowledge of the land within 3 miles of them, its terrain, plant and animal life and the presence of any planar beings and builds. This miracle fails if the caster is in manufactured construction, such as a dungeon or town.
5 - Geas - Enchantment, Shadow
Pronounced "gesh." The caster verbally binds a target that can understand them, forcing them to roll WIS or be compelled to obey a simple one-sentence rule or action or suffer 5d10 Shadow damage a maximum of once per day. If the command is suicidal or would lead to death, the victim immediately succeeds their resist roll. The geas can be broken prematurely using the spells remove curse, greater restoration or wish. This effect lasts for 30 days, but if cast at a higher spell slot, the duration increases to 1 year at level 7 and permanently until broken at 9.
5 - Blizzard Blast - Evocation, Nature
A 60 foot cone from the caster's palm forces all creatures caught in to roll CON or take 6d8 Frost damage (half as much on a successful save). Any creature killed by this spell is frozen solid. At higher levels, this spell deals +1d8 more damage for each level above the 5th.
5 - Dawnfire - Evocation, Holy
A blast of powerful sunlight erupts from a point of the caster's choosing up to a 30 foot radius, shining for up to 1 minute. Creatures that fail a CON throw take 4d10 damage (half as much on a successful save) with undead and Demons taking the absolute maximum value.
5 - Extend Stone - Evocation, Nature/Earth
The caster causes a stone wall 6 inches in thickness to erupt from a solidly fixed base of rock. The wall is composed of ten 10 x 10 foot "panels" that interlock tightly and must all be connected at all times. If the wall touches a creature at the time of its formation, the creature may roll AGI to jump away from being hit or enclosed within it. The wall can be vertical, or horizontal, or in any shape the caster desires.
Being non-magical, the wall is prone to being damaged, and has 30 health points per inch of thickness. While it still stands, the caster can shape it into rough crenellations, battlements, windows, etc.
If the caster can maintain their concentration on the wall for up to10 minutes, it becomes permanent
5 - Hallow Ground - Evocation, Holy
Using 1,000 gp worth of herbs, oil and incense, the caster infuses a 120 foot diameter area with godly power. This miracle takes a full day to complete, and lasts until dispelled, but it fails if the ground is already hallowed. While on hallowed ground, all planar beings, divine beings and the undead are barred from entering the area, nor can they mind-addle any creature within it. Any already mind-addled creatures on hallowed ground snap awake. The caster can consciously select any of the forbidden creatures to exempt from this effect and allow in at any point. Furthermore, the caster can select any category of being (race, profession, faith, allegiance) and declare them to be affected with one of the following effects:
- Immunity to fear, or immediate fright
- Blindness or truesight
- Resistance or vulnerability to one element
- Immunity from turning into undead
- Being forbidden from teleporting
- Silence or tongues
5 - Holy Weapon - Evocation, Holy
As a bonus action, the caster can hold a weapon aloft and dedicate it to their deity, concentrating up to 1 hour on rendering it a holy weapon. Until the spell ends, it glows brightly for up to a 30 foot radius and dimly for up to 30 feet, and deals an extra 2d8 Holy, Fire or Shadow damage on hit (depending on deity.) If the weapon wasn't already magical, it becomes so for the purpose of calculating immunities.
5 - Mass Healing - Evocation, Holy OR Nature/Life
This miracle requires the caster to select up to 6 targets within 60 feet and focus on chanting for three rounds, during which they can take no other action. Once they have passed, it causes the targets to restore health points equal to 3d8 + 1d8 for each slot above the 5th this miracle is cast in. Druids may add their WIS modifier to the die. This miracle has no effect on constructs or the undead.
5 - Sunslammer - Evocation, Holy
A 10 foot radius area up to 40 feet high centered on a point of the caster's choosing immediately receives a violent crash of divine flame, causing every creature that fails an AGI save to take 8d6 damage equally divided as Fire and Holy (half as much on a successful save.).At higher levels, this spell deals +1d6 more damage of either type of the caster's choosing for each level above the 5th.
5 - Infection - Necromancy, Shadow OR Nature/Life
The caster attempts to melee a target, infecting it with a disease from the list below for 7 days. The victim may roll CON until they win three saves in total to resist, but is infected if they fail three saves in total:
- Delirious Fever: The target has disadvantage on all INT rolls while sick and is stunned whenever they take damage.
- Malaise: The target has disadvantage on all WIS and CON rolls while sick.
- Plague: The target has disadvantage on all STR and CHA rolls while sick.
- Seizure: The target has disadvantage on DEX and AGI rolls while sick, and exhibits signs of confusion when in combat.
5 - Raise Dead - Necromancy, Holy
By using a 500 gp diamond, which the spell consumes, the caster lays their hand on a creature that has been dead for no longer than the caster's level in days. If the creature's soul is willing and free to do so, it returns to its body at 1 health point. If any body parts or flesh that cannot be reasonably regenerated is missing, the miracle automatically fails. Returning from death is a traumatic experience that drops the creature's CON value to 1 point, which slowly returns to its past value at a rate of 1 point per day of rest. The caster is also impacted by the experience, losing the ability to fight or cast any spell for a total of rest days equal to the resurrected creature's racial hit die in days.
5 - Awaken Creature - Transmutation, Nature/Life
After tracing elaborate neural pathways into a gem worth 1,000 gp or more for 8 hours, the caster may use it to touch any animal or plant the size of an elephant or smaller that has no intelligence beyond raw instinct. The creature gains an INT score of 10, as well as the ability to speak the caster's language. This effect lasts for 30 days or until the caster or their companions harm the target.
5 - Reincarnate - Transmutation, Nature/Life
Using 1,000 gp worth of rare oils and ointments, the caster prepares the corpse of a humanoid that has departed no more than 10 days ago. The process takes 1 hour, and provided the soul of the being is willing and able, it is reborn into a new body that might of a different race. The caster rolls d20 and uses the result as the new race of the soul's reincarnation. If the target was once a class that is ineligible to their new race, they may choose any class in the same archetype and are reborn as the same level they were.