Priest Miracles > Tier VII
7 - Ascend - Conjuration, Arcane
By ringing a small metal fork worth at least 250 gp attuned to a specific frequency, the caster and up to 8 willing creatures see their surroundings melt into a plane of existence of the caster's choosing. The location within that plane of existence is usually an area designed for such a purpose, such as a city gate.
This spell can be used to banish an unwilling creature, which must roll a CHA save.
7 - Summon Greater Extraplanar - Conjuration, Holy
By lighting incense and chanting, the caster summons forth a powerful divine creature appropriate to their alignment. Bishops summon a Skyborn Protector, Cultists summon a Demon, and Warsages summon a Dragon, all at rank 5. The divine is friendly to the caster and their companions, and will obey any telepathically issued command, which does not take a turn to convey. This effect lasts up to 1 hour or until the servant's health drops to 0.
7 - Secret Word - Evocation, Holy
The caster utters a secret divine word of great power tied to the dawn of creation. All creatures that hear it must make a CHA roll or suffer the follow effects:
- 50 HP or less: Deafness for 1 minute
- 40 HP or less: Deafness and blindness for 10 minutes
- 30 HP or less: Deafness, blindness and stun for 1 hour
- 20 HP or less: Immediate death
Additionally, all extraplanar creatures of all types that fail the roll are banished to their home plane for 24 hours and cannot return by any means other than wish.
7 - Whirling Ebonpyre - Evocation, Fire
The caster raises their hands to the air, commanding ten 10 foot wide cyclones of pure raging fire to blast to the ground. Any creature caught in one must roll AGI or take 7d10 Fire damage (halved on save.) The caster can choose certain types of objects to be immune from the heat of the fire.
7 - Greater Mirage - Illusion, Nature
This spell is identical to the 4th level spell lesser mirage, except it lasts for 10 days, up to 1 mile, and can also fool victims physically. It can make terrain difficult, and the ruse is only uncovered by truesight.
7 - Resurrection - Necromancy, Holy
Using a diamond worth 1,000 gp, the caster attempts to bring a creature that has died within the last 100 years of anything besides natural causes back to life. If its soul is free-floating and willing, the process is immediate. If it has transitioned to one of the planes then the caster must convince the deity holding it to return its soul, possibly even in exchange for a favor. Unlike the 5th tier miracle raise dead, this spell does not require a body to be present- only a fistful of genetic material or a body part. Returning from death is a traumatic experience that drops the creature's CON value to 1 point, which slowly returns to its past value at a rate of 1 point per day of rest. The caster is also impacted by the experience, losing the ability to fight or cast any spell for a total of rest days equal to the resurrected creature's racial hit die in days.
7 - Ethereal Shift - Transmutation, Holy
The caster steps into the Ethereal plane, gaining the ability to move like a ghost at half speed through all objects except the natural ground. The caster remains there for up to 8 hours or until they dismiss the spell. Everything looks gray and foggy in the Ethereal realm, and the caster can't see for more than 60 feet in any direction. While on the Ethereal Plane, nothing on the material world can influence, perceive or interact with them. When the spell ends, the caster materializes on the material world positional equivalent of wherever they were on the Ethereal Plane. If cast at a higher slot level, this spell can target up to 3 more people within 10 feet for each slot level above the 7th.
7 - Regeneration - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster touches a creature and chants for 3 rounds, granting them at the end the ability to regenerate health points equal to the caster's experience level per minute, as well as regrow lost limbs over 2 minutes per limb for up to 1 hour. If the target holds up a torn limb to its stump while under the effect of this spell, it reattaches and regains sensation and mobility instantaneously.