Priest Miracles > Tier VIII
8 - Anti-magic Zone - Abjuration, Holy
The caster is surrounded by a 10 foot radius area into which no magic of any kind will function. Spells dissipate, dismissed creatures are banished, and even magical items become mundane. The area is shaped like a dome of color and visibility of the caster's choice and will follow their movement.
8 - Coruscant Divinity - Abjuration, Holy
Using a 1,000 gp relic of the appropriate deity such as a piece of scripture or the robe of a saint, the caster and any creatures of their choice begin to radiate light up to a 30 foot radius for up to 1 minute provided the caster maintains concentration. The targets have advantage on all accuracy rolls and cause all enemies to attack with disadvantage, and all extraplanar creatures of the opposite alignment to the caster (or all of them to the Warsage) that attack the targets must roll CON or be blinded for the rest of the effect.
8 - Pyrocumulus - Conjuration, Nature
The caster materializes an incendiary cloud 40 feet wide, initially as a sphere, which collapses and moves along with the ground in any direction at 10 feet per round, spreading around corners and pouring down openings. It lasts for up to 10 minutes provided the caster maintains concentration, or until any kind of strong wind disperses it. Every creature in the area becomes blinded to anything beyond its melee range, and must roll CON or take 10d8 Fire damage (successful save halves.)
8 - Tsunami - Conjuration, Nature/Water
The caster summons forth a gigantic wall of water 300 feet in height, 300 feet across and 50 feet thick, which immediately crashes forward. Every creature caught within is forced to roll STR or take 6d10 physical damage (half as much on a successful save) and be sent flying 50 feet away. On subsequent turns, the wall's height is reduced by 50 feet, its damage is reduced by 1d10 and the effect is repeated until the wall's height reaches 0. Creatures can swim up the Tsunami's path by rolling Athletics against the spell.
8 - Earthquake - Evocation, Nature/Earth
The caster creates a seismic disturbance centered around a point they can see, causing a 200 foot wide area within to rumble violently and shake all creatures and structures. The ground becomes difficult terrain, and forces all creatures every round to roll CON or lose concentration, as well as roll AGI or fall down. A fissure opens somewhere randomly every round, roughly 10 feet long and 10 feet wide. If a creature is near a building or structure by a fissure, it collapses on them and they take 5d6 physical damage, burying them under the rubble unless they succeed a DC 20 Athletics save.
8 - Beastshape - Transmutation, Nature/Life
The caster selects any number of willing creatures within range, transforming them into animals the size of elephants or smaller for up to 24 hours, provided the caster maintains concentration.
The targets' STR, CON, DEX and AGI attributes and health points change to match their new forms, preserving their minds and personalities. Their weapons and armor harmlessly meld into their bodies. They lose the ability to speak, cast spells or use and wield items and equipment, and are limited to actions natural to their new forms. If the targets drop to 0 health points or die, they revert to their original forms.
8 - Control Weather - Transmutation, Nature/Air
After 10 minutes of chanting, the caster gains the ability to control the weather for up to 8 hours so long as they maintain concentration and a path to the sky. The caster can control the level of precipitation, temperature and wind speed and direction with 20 minutes of buildup. At the end of the effect, the weather gradually returns to its past normal.