Combat Round
Every round lasts six seconds.
1 - Deciding Turn Order: Combat starts by everyone rolling d20 for AGI, called "initiative", and being ranked fastest to slowest.
NB: having weapons that are "light" or "heavy" will modify your initiative by +/-4.
2 - Actions: When your turn comes, so long as you're free and in control of your body, you can perform the following actions:
- Move 2 feet per point of AGI (so for example 24 feet if you have 12 AGI.) After moving, you can still attack. Instead of moving, you can choose to run double this distance, but you lose your ability to perform any other action. If you move or run past a hostile creature, it gets a free attack roll against you; this is why you can choose to move/run carefully, halving your speed, but guaranteeing you won't be attacked while moving.
- Attack a creature in range. Roll d20 for DEX against your opponent's AGI. If you succeed, you throw your weapon's damage dice and add your STR modifier. If your opponent has any armor, it's deducted from your damage. Of course, many other bonuses can influence your accuracy and damage rolls!
- Use an item which is as straightforward as it sounds. This includes consumables, usable items and donning/removing gear.
- Perform a bonus action if your class allows it, which could be anything.
3 - Death: Going below 1 HP causes you to fall unconscious and start bleeding for 1 HP per round. While bleeding you can roll d20 for CON against 10 to try to get up. If you reach -10 before succeeding three death saves, you die.
Tip: if you want to cast a spell, you declare that your character has begun chanting at the beginning of the round, with the effecth happening once your turn arrives. Check out the casting page for more info.