Combat Round

1 - Deciding Turn Order: In the first round, characters roll d20 + AGI modifier + weapon speed modifier, if any, to decide the order from highest to lowest.

2 - Actions: Each unhampered character by default gets to perform 3 total moves: a "main action" (strike, move, start casting a spell, or use an item), a "bonus action" (use an off-handed weapon at -4 accuracy, or perform any other action described as "bonus") and a "reaction" to an enemy action (any action described as "reaction")

If you can and want to, you may begin Casting a Spell as an action.

If you decide to physically attack against a mobile, aware and awake opponent who can see you, roll d20 + DEX modifier + any accuracy modifiers if needed. If the result is higher than your opponent's AGI, the attack lands. (If your opponent is surprised they suffer a -4 to AGI during this calculation. If they are behind cover they gain +4.)

A successful strike deals weapon damage + STR modifier (or DEX if Rogue/ranged attack) + any bonus from buffs or your class - the enemy's Armor value. (for example a level 5 Fighter with 16 Strength landing a 4 on a 1d6 mace attack deals 4+3+5=12 total damage. A level 2 Wizard with 6 strength would have only dealt 4-2=2 damage. If the enemy is wearing 3 total points of armor, they would only take 9 damage from the Fighter, and none from the Wizard.)

If the attacker rolls a 20 on the d20 dice before any modification (called a natural 20), it is a critical strike, which multiplies damage depending on the weapon and on the attacker's class. A 1 roll on accuracy is an automatic blunder.

3 - Death: A humanoid character that goes below 1 health point falls unconscious, dropping to a hard 1 AGI (if theirs was above 1) and losing the ability to do anything but crawl. Every turn, they may roll CON at DC 10 to try to get up, returning to 1 health point after 3 successful rolls. Going below -10 HP causes immediate death.