Combat Round

Every round lasts six seconds.

1 - Deciding Turn Order: Combat starts by everyone rolling d20 for AGI, called "initiative", and being ranked fastest to slowest.

NB: having weapons that are "light" or "heavy" will modify your initiative by +/-4.

2 - Actions: When your turn comes, so long as you're free and in control of your body, you can perform the following actions:

3 - Death: Going below 1 HP causes you to fall unconscious and start bleeding for 1 HP per round. While bleeding you can roll d20 for CON against 10 to try to get up. If you reach -10 before succeeding three death saves, you die.

Tip: if you want to cast a spell, you declare that your character has begun chanting at the beginning of the round, with the effecth happening once your turn arrives. Check out the casting page for more info.