Item List Info
Currency: Rarely used by people in actual civilized places, who prefer to trade in more abstract and meaningful things, such as goods, labor, land or letters of credit. Nomadic people such as adventurers and traveling merchants do often use standardized coinage for the sake of convenience. For reference: 1000 cp = 100 sp = 10 gp = 1 pp. Currency is standardized in Dunia, as the merchants' guilds of the human nations operate independently from international politics.
For reference, 1 gp is the average artisan's daily wage, while a laborer makes 1-5 sp.
Knights, Mages and Priests begin with 100 gp. Every other character begins with 50 gp.
Availability: Not everyone has access to, nor a desire to acquire everything of value. In Dunia, most artisans lead small lives in labor towns where their most ambitious craft has been a particularly elaborate window grate or a beautiful leather gambeson commissioned by the local baron. Understandably, depending on where one goes, the local blacksmith might not have access to the most expensive of the items listed below. While almost all artisans can handle regular repairs on broken common equipment and all inns can provide food and shelter, the party might have to travel to larger settlements to find more well-to-do traders.
This obviously extends to the act of pawning items as well. A local hamlet's smith running his shop with his son might be talked into buying five common longswords at half value he knows he can re-sell, but he will categorically refuse to take one-of-a-kind magical items or weird exotic weapons, and at worst accuse the party of theft or forgery. To pawn rare things, it is much wiser to get in contact with upper class collectors or fences in large cities.
Enhancements: Equipment displayed in the lists below can also come in +1, +2 or +3, up to +5, which grants a flat bonus to damage dealt or to the armor value. While some smiths can be commissioned to +1 a common object at its sale price, other levels are rare and coveted and mostly found in treasure hoards and in the grasp of powerful enemies.