Bestiary Info
Label: While reading the creature list, SCDAIWC means Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Agility, Intellect, Wisdom and Charisma.
Base Stats: A creature can deal damage equal to its level +/ STR mod, unless otherwise noted. A creature's health pool can be calculated by multiplying its level by its CON value. The base land speed of a creature is twice their AGI in feet/rd unless otherwise noted.
Experience: Creatures equal to or within 3 levels of the party grant 1 experience point when defeated. Creatures 4+ levels higher than the party grant 2. Creatures 3+ levels lower of the same type can act as a singular unit that has the same initiative, has a combined health pool (that receives damage from AoE spells multiplied by the unit count) and acts and rolls together once.
Critters: Level 0 creatures have 1 health point, deal 1 point of damage unless otherwise noted and grant no experience.
(*) indicates the being is planar, and its home can be inferred from its alignment.
VERY IMPORTANT!! Players don't get the name of a creature, its stats or its health value. During encounters, they receive a description from the DM, and must deduce what it is and how to fight it by themselves.